
Showing posts with the label Sheep and Wankers

Caitlin Clark, Obese Beauties, and World War III

  Caitlin Clark, Obese Beauties, and World War III An artificially induced Armageddon DONALD JEFFRIES Life is never boring in America 2.0. I never run out of things to write and talk about. In fact, there are so many topics to assess critically that I often forget something. I’ll finish writing a Substack post and a pertinent point I neglected to mention will be raised in the comments. Or it will just come to me after the fact. I’ve been following the saga of Caitlin Clark in the WNBA. The women’s professional basketball league has been a miserable failure by any definition. It’s lost significant money for twenty seven straight years. The only reason anyone is talking about it now is Caitlin Clark. It’s certainly the only reason I’m writing about it. I never thought I’d write about the WNBA. It’s a bogus outfit that has been kept afloat by corporate funding. Much of the miniscule audience they draw comes from the LGBQT+!* community, because a good chunk of the players are openly lesbia

Whistling Past the National Train Wreck

  Whistling Past the National Train Wreck Pointlessly rearranging the deck chairs DONALD JEFFRIES There are only so many ways one can say that America is collapsing. That the Fat Lady is nearing the end of her song. That we’re running on fumes. If Yogi Berra were around, he’d say it’s over. We had a good run, as far as civilizations go. We  were  the light of the world for a long time. Maybe even Reagan’s shining city upon a hill. Yesterday, Jason Whitlock reported on one Dexter Taylor, a software engineer who was just convicted and sentenced to  ten  years for constructing his own guns without a license. Shades of January 6. Taylor is Black, by the way, for those of you to whom that matters. I don’t expect to see former crack dealer turned FBI informant “Reverend” Al Sharpton leading a protest about  this  particular Black man being a victim of injustice. Our record-setting prisons are overflowing with people like Taylor, of all races. People who most decidedly don’t belong behind bar