
Showing posts with the label Studies

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya Reveals Stanford University's Attempts To Derail COVID Studies

 A look at how the proverbial "sausage" is made in regards to medical research.  Some (most?) researchers would have given in to the pressure. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya Reveals Stanford University's Attempts To Derail COVID Studies In a lengthy first person account, Professor Bhattacharya defends himself, colleagues, and family from attacks, and details apparent commercial interests driving Stanford science and media hit pieces. PAUL D. THACKER Shortly after COVID reached US shores, the World Health Organization estimated that the virus would kill 11.2 million Americans—an alarming and frightening number that panicked public health officials. Today, we know that a much smaller number of Americans actually died, meaning the world’s experts got it wrong. But researchers at Stanford doubted those early numbers, and set out to run a study that would find how deadly the virus actually was, and how many people were being infected. Called the Santa Clara Study—for the California coun