
Showing posts with the label Umanity

AOC and The Met Gala Pervert Parade

AOC and The Met Gala Pervert Parade Voz here:  Nothing like a good uman degeneration show to brighten up the day! Source The Post-Partisan Emporium's Purpose and Standards This site does not have a particular political position. We welcome articles from various points of view, and civil debate when differences arise. Contributions of articles from posters are always welcome. Unless a contribution is really beyond the pale, we do not edit what goes up as topics for discussion. If you would like to contribute an article, let one of the moderators know. Likewise if you would like to become an official contributor so you can put up articles yourself, but for that we need to exchange email addresses and we need a Google email address from you. Contributions can be anything, including fiction, poems, cartoons, or songs. They can be your own writing or someone else’s writing which has yet to be published. We understand that tempers flare during heated conversations, and we're

The Worst Mistake

Thursday, September 09, 2021 The Worst Mistake It is with a heavy heart that I write these words because I realize, and know that I must state and accept honestly, that we are indeed at the end of days and that there will never be a 'normal' as the time before. Was it naive of me to believe that something I could bring, discover, say, realize, share and scream from the rooftops could ever change the trajectory or inevitable outcome of the downward slide of humanity at its very core and to where we presently exist? Was I arrogant enough to think that I could bring about a halt to what has been transpiring for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years? Should I be experiencing a desire to regress into the lying hypocrite which I once was which lived for only one thing: my present comfort and delusion of joy? Do I want to become the 'Cypher' of the day in hopes of again tasting something which was never real? It is more and more di