
Showing posts with the label War on Cash

Never forget the "covid stays on banknotes" scam

  Never forget the "covid stays on banknotes" scam Just another part of the psyops to condition people to accept a cashless society NORMAN FENTON  AND  MARTIN NEIL Nobody can dispute the fact that the covid era has led to a rapid move towards a cashless society, which in turn is a key requirement for the creation of the international digital currency so beloved by the WEF and other ‘One World Government’ proponents. It is therefore not surprising - and we should not forget it - that the media was pushing the idea that the covid virus was transmitted through bank notes and coins right from the start. And in October 2020 every major media outlet (including the  BBC ) excitedly claimed that a new study had proven that the virus stays on banknotes and coins for up to 28 days. This is the  study  that led to this deluge of anti-cash hysteria: What the main stream media generally failed to report (although this did appear buried in the BBC article) was that the experiment was condu

What Is Programmable Money?

What Is Programmable Money? The Corbett Report by James Corbett There are 3 types of people in this world. There are those who  read that  SWIFT has "solve[d] the significant challenge of interoperability in cross-border transactions by bridging between different distributed ledger technology (DLT) networks and existing payment systems" and get a chill down their spine rub their hands in glee ask what SWIFT is, get bored halfway through the answer and go back to checking their TikTok feed Now, given that you're reading this editorial, you're probably in the first category of people. (And if you're in the second category, all I can say is GET OFF OF MY LAWN YA DAMN GLOBALIST BANKSTER, YOU!) But I guarantee most of your friends, family, co-workers, neighbours and acquaintances are in the third category. And who can blame them? Financial mumbo-jumbo is designed to be as eye-wateringly boring and unsexy as possible. But here's the rub: while the public focuses on