
Tracking Orwellian Change: New Meanings of "Deep State" and "Working Class"

  Tracking Orwellian Change: New Meanings of "Deep State" and "Working Class" When left/liberal fixations fall out of establishment favor, they're re-christened as conservative menaces MATT TAIBBI Retired perfect killing machine Jeff Bridges. Thanks to a great response last week to an article about  Klaus Schwab’s creep-tastic use of the term “transparency ,” I’m pressing forward with a  Devil’s Dictionary -style lexicographical project, tracking multitudinous dystopian alterations to American political speech. I absolutely want the list to be a collaboration with  Racket/ Substack readers, so this and future entries will feature open comments sections. I see this list working best if it also functions as a usage tracker,  à la  the  Oxford English Dictionary.  The best gift my father ever gave me was a full  OED , a monstrous rack of volumes that still sits devouring space in my house, daring me to look up the earliest recorded use of  pecker  in the impertinen