
Here's Why the World is Falling Apart (and What You Can Do About It!)

  Here's Why the World is Falling Apart  (and What You Can Do About It!) THE CORBETT REPORT by James Corbett Do you ever get the feeling that everything is breaking down all at once? Forget about starting a family or buying a house. It's becoming harder and harder for young men and women just to put food on the table. And those lucky ones who defy the odds and manage to start a family sure aren't spending their time at neighbourhood barbecues while the kids play a game of pick-up street hockey. Today, they'd be lucky to pry the kids away from their device long enough for them to notice that there  are  other kids in their neighbourhood. Not that the parents are any better at living life. What's everyone  doing  on those devices? Scrolling through their never-ending social media feeds of doom porn and ragebait, of course! They're busy watching Israel holocaust Palestine and NATO inch closer to nuclear war with Russia and people at home engaging in  public freakou

Reparations for the Common People

  Reparations for the Common People Paying a long overdue dividend DONALD JEFFRIES I wrote the book  Survival of the Richest: How the Corruption of the Marketplace and the Disparity of Wealth Created the Greatest Conspiracy of All.  It received more critical praise than any of my books, from the likes of Arthur Blaustein, a former Chair of the National Advisory Council on Economic Opportunity. Look at the book’s Amazon page. It has a long list of impressive blurbs under the “Editorial Reviews” section. These were people I largely have never communicated with. It was heady stuff for a community college dropout like me. Naomi Wolf compared it to the late Barbara Ehrenreich’s excellent  Nickel and Dimed.  Naomi went on the write the Foreword to the paperback version. Needless to say, I was extremely honored. But the book just never sold well. Even Naomi’s name on the paperback didn’t seem to help. There was a huge distinction between the critical praise and the disappointing sales. That’s

Affirming Trans Identities is Harmful.

  Affirming Trans Identities is Harmful. Don't do it. And don't teach children to do it either. CAROL DANSEREAU There’s a lot of pressure everywhere to affirm trans and nonbinary identities, including those declared by children. Affirmation is touted as kind, righteous, and even lifesaving.  Many parents are committed to teaching their children to affirm, seeing it as an extension of the basic respect they want their young ones to show everyone. But affirmation is not kind, respectful, righteous or lifesaving.  It is not benign.  In fact, it is extremely harmful to those who are affirmed, and those who do the affirming. This article discusses why, focusing on affirmation with respect to children. For those new to this issue, here’s what various terms used in this article mean.  People with “trans identities” believe themselves to be the opposite sex. Those with “nonbinary identities” claim to be sexless, both sexes, a third sex, or some other variation of not simply male or fem