
Showing posts with the label Kamala Harris

Caitlin Johnstone: Trump Party Vs Cheney Party

  Caitlin Johnstone: Trump Party Vs Cheney Party Two warmongering oligarchic parties are shoving the Overton window of acceptable opinion as far in the direction of imperialism, militarism and tyranny as possible. Liz Cheney taking the congressional oath of office in January 2017 with her father Dick Cheney at right.  (Office of Representative Liz Cheney, Wikimedia Commons, Public domain) By  Caitlin Johnstone D ick “Darth Vader” Cheney, has officially  endorsed Kamala Harris for president . His daughter, Liz Cheney,  has also endorsed Harris . “In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” said the former vice president in  a statement , adding, “As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.” Cheney was a  charter signatory  to the notorious neoconservative think tank  Project for the

PATRICK LAWRENCE: ‘Vote Joy’ — a Delusion of Nostalgia

  PATRICK LAWRENCE: ‘Vote Joy’ — a Delusion of Nostalgia Those populating the vice president’s joy-and-vibes crowd can pretend to celebrate a state of elation while acquiescing to their candidate’s approval of mass murder. Balloons fall after Vice President Kamala Harris’ speech at the Democratic National Convention last month.  (Chris Bentley, Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) By  Patrick Lawrence M any commentators have attempted to describe the astonishing devolution of Democratic Party politics into sheer marketing:  Kamala Harris as product, “new and improved” like a laundry detergent or a frozen dinner. Vanessa Beeley calls it “cartoon theatrics,” and it’s as good as I’ve seen. In two words the British journalist captures from a useful distance the infantilism of the Harris-for-president campaign and the Hollywoodization of American politics. I thought I’d seen everything in this line until a few days ago, but in this, the most unserious political season of my lifetime, it is incautious t

The Sound of Enforced Silence

  The Sound of Enforced Silence Balloons fall after Vice President Kamala Harris’ speech at the Democratic National Convention by  Chris Bentley  is licensed under  CC BY 2.0 . By Patrick Lawrence /   Original to ScheerPost Is there some connection, — not quite official but it may as well be— between censorship and presidential politics? I pose the question as a survivor of the Russiagate years, when illiberal liberals started talking about “free-speech absolutists,” and when corporate journalists cheered the censoring of unincorporated journalists so long as it was called “content moderation.”  I cannot answer my own question, honestly. But as this November’s elections draw near, a new and aggressive campaign to suppress dissent — in social media, at airports, on campuses, and elsewhere — is hard upon us. This is a trans–Atlantic, trans-national operation. Let us not fail to take note.  Straight off the top, you probably noticed that the Democratic Party’s openly undemocratic elite re