
Cynthia McKinney: Jamaal Bowman Denounced Me Under AIPAC Orders

 Go to the source to listen to the entire interview... Cynthia McKinney: Jamaal Bowman Denounced Me Under AIPAC Orders But it didn't save him KEVIN BARRETT En route to Congress, Jamaal Bowman was forced to issue a ritual denunciation of one of his heroes, six-term Georgia Congresswoman and 2008 Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney. We know Bowman admired McKinney because he put her, alongside Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and others, on his Cornerstone Academy “wall of honor.” But Bowman’s ritual denunciations of McKinney didn’t save him. AIPAC, the Jewish billionaire lobby that runs America as its private fiefdom, couldn’t allow anyone to remain in Congress who doesn’t enthusiastically support the genocide of Gaza. Cynthia McKinney, during her six terms in Congress, got a close-up-and-personal view of the Jewish billionaires’ stranglehold over American government. If she had let them buy her the way they’ve bought almost everyone else (except Thomas Massie?) she m

O Death

  O Death IRINA SLAV In February this year, Barclays  announced  it would stop direct financing for “energy clients, for upstream oil and gas expansion projects or related infrastructure.” The bank followed a massively popular trend in the industry of boosting support for transition-related businesses at the expense of traditional energy because traditional energy was the new plague, at least reputationally speaking. There must have also been plans to profit from the transition, no doubt, because forecasts and projections said it would be profitable. Fast forward five months and imagine my surprise when Barclays’ CEO, CS Venkatakrishnan  told  Bloomberg this week that banks couldn’t just quit oil and gas “cold turkey” and that the “reality is that for quite some time, fossil fuels will be with us.” In the same report, Bloomberg graciously informed us that Barclays is not the only one having sort of second thoughts about this whole move away from oil and gas business, especially in the

‘The Pride Reich’: Riding for a Fall

  ‘The Pride Reich’: Riding for a Fall ‘You’ve reduced your identity to the most immature and hedonistic part of you, the part that would exploit someone else for your own gratification'. — Jordan Peterson JOHN WATERS ‘Pride’ display in Malaga shop window Give Us Back the Moon In June This used to be the beautiful month of June,  but between the geo-engineers and the LGBT goons, it has in many places become a cloudy, dispiriting time. Walking around Malaga and Seville these past few days, and coming upon my umpteenth window display constructed in observation of Pride Month, I was impelled to revisit  The Power of the Powerless , the famous 1978 essay written by my great hero, the late Czech philosopher and playwright (and sometime politician), Václav Haval, and as a consequence to amend and update a refection upon it that I myself wrote many years afterwards. In what is perhaps his most famous essay, vac employs as a central motif the image of the greengrocer who is required by the

A Climate Of Fear

  A Climate Of Fear So what ARE they on about? RADIO FAR SIDE It is fairly obvious to anyone who has done a bit of scratching around in the “climate change/global warming” quagmire that the entire narradigm is built on deliberately false assumptions, conclusions and methodologies. What is truly concerning in all this mess is the intentional obfuscation of what is really occurring, and what the ruling narradigm is being used to accomplish. We can dispense with the ruling narradigm rather easily. There is no global warming.  Global temperatures  have been steady or even declinng a bit over the past 25 years. If we compare globally averaged maps (the ones fed to the public as fear porn), as compared to the point readngs of actual temperatures, what we find is that overnight temperatures are running slightly above historic levels, while daytime temperatures show significant areas of cooling trends. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a “greenhouse gas,” and at current levels of 435ppm, is so far b