
Stonehenge, Carbon-Cultists, and Nostalgia for the Real

  Stonehenge, Carbon-Cultists, and Nostalgia for the Real LUKE DODSON As some of you probably know, I began blogging  back in 2020  to express my concerns over what appeared to be a technocratic coup within the environmental movement. The back-to-nature ethos of the 20 th  century green movement, as naïve as it could be, was being replaced with a pseudoscientific vision of lab-grown food, genetically-engineered ecosystems, and 'renewable' energy tech (and, of course,  unlimited migration because climate-change ). A number of commentators, such as  Neoliberal Feudalism , have referred to this process as 'skinsuiting'. Behold, environmentalism in 2024! The impetus for all this nonsense is, of course, the drive towards 'net-zero' carbon-emissions. Whether the elites actually believe that you can power an industrial civilization without fossil-fuels, or this impossible ambition is simply a cover-story for the controlled-demolition of the world's economy, is anyo

Democrats Ask Kristi Noem To Take Biden Out Behind White House Shed

  Democrats Ask Kristi Noem To Take Biden Out Behind White House Shed U.S. — Kristi Noem's penchant for putting down untrainable animals made her popular with Democrats following last night's Presidential Debate, with her phone reportedly ringing off the hook ever since. Democrats from all over the country were calling to implore the South Dakota Governor to "please  please " take Biden out behind the White House shed and put him out of his misery. "I just can't imagine how hard it must be for the poor guy," said one caller, later identified as California Governor Gavin Newsom. "The president can barely move. That's not a life worth living. He deserves the dignity of ... you know... the thing." Other callers didn't beat around the bush as much. "He's blowing it for all of us!" Vice President Kamala Harris argued. "Just take him back there and bury him in a box or something, okay? Hahahaha!" "K

That's All Folks! (Redux)

 Thanks to Saint Jimmy (Russian American) for recommending this article... That's All Folks! (Redux) CJ HOPKINS Well, what do you know, it looks like we’ve got another “CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY” on our hands. Yes, that’s right, folks, THE VERY FABRIC OF DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE … again! Which means (surprise!) that it’s probably time to declare another STATE OF EMERGENCY and take some sort of EMERGENCY MEASURES to protect humanity from LITERAL FASCISM, or RUSSIA, or CHEAP FAKES, or a VIRUS … or whatever. I didn’t watch the presidential debate — it took place at 2AM here in Germany — but I watched as much as I could stand the following morning, and I read a few headlines in the corporate press, and … well,  it appears that’s it for Biden . Normally, at this point, I would pen a column full of colorful adjectives and gratuitous adverbials skewering the entire spectacle, but (a) lots of others are doing that — albeit sans the gratuitous adverbials — and (b)  I’m still on medical leave , and u

Patrick Lawrence: Putin—Behind the Shoji

 Thanks to Who D. Who for recommending this article... Patrick Lawrence: Putin—Behind the Shoji Russian President Vladimir Putin arriving in the North Korean capital Pyongyang on June 18. (President of Russia) By Patrick Lawrence /  Consortium News I t is never a good idea to turn to corporate media for an understanding of Vladimir Putin — his thoughts, his intentions, what he does and the outcome of what he does. Whenever the Russian president is the topic, you are always going to get reports so distorted as to obscure vastly more than they reveal.  This pervasively Western–centric work makes it impossible, for anyone who relies solely on it, to see either the Russian leader or the nation he represents with any clarity, just as they are. One is invited to think Putin never acts but for the damage his chosen course will inflict on the U.S., the rest of the Atlantic world, and by extension the non–Western allies of this world. The net effect of this unceasing exercise in misrepresentati