
Imperial Anthropology? America in Afghanistan

  Imperial Anthropology? America in Afghanistan Counter-insurgency, scholar-soldiers and the failure of the Human Terrain System (2005-2014) STONE AGE HERBALIST The kinetic phase of the war ended. Soldiers and Marines found themselves immersed in an alien culture unable to differentiate friend from foe. Today, the enemy's motives often remain a mystery, and the constant casualties due to the inability to understand the enemy and to predict his actions have been tragically too great… In the late 19th century, the British army developed a habit of sending bright young officers to different regions of the world to study the cultures and live with the local leaders and learn their habits. Names like China Gordon, T.E. Lawrence, I think all testified to the wisdom of that custom, a custom that the British Army continues today. Think about a culture-centric approach to future warfare that creates a cadre of what commonly now has been called global scouts, officers and non-commissioned of

The Influential Role of Jewish Theocracy in the Zionist Governance of the West

  The Influential Role of Jewish Theocracy in the Zionist Governance of the West When Is Theocracy Honest and When Is It Covert, Conniving and Destabilizing? ANTHONY JAMES HALL In increasingly obvious ways, the line between secular rule and theocratic governance is breaking down. During the one-term US presidency of Jimmy Carter, the Western powers played a role in bringing to power the Islamic theocracy that presently prevails in Iran. Iran is the modern-day outgrowth of ancient Persia. In 1979 this theocracy was made to replace the US and Israeli-backed monarchical rule led by the Shah of Iran. The theocratic character of the Islamic Republic of Iran is integral to the country’s constitution. The open embrace by most Iranian people of theocratic principles in their own governance offers one explanation for the growing list of competitive advantages enjoyed by Iran in