
Caitlin Clark, Obese Beauties, and World War III

  Caitlin Clark, Obese Beauties, and World War III An artificially induced Armageddon DONALD JEFFRIES Life is never boring in America 2.0. I never run out of things to write and talk about. In fact, there are so many topics to assess critically that I often forget something. I’ll finish writing a Substack post and a pertinent point I neglected to mention will be raised in the comments. Or it will just come to me after the fact. I’ve been following the saga of Caitlin Clark in the WNBA. The women’s professional basketball league has been a miserable failure by any definition. It’s lost significant money for twenty seven straight years. The only reason anyone is talking about it now is Caitlin Clark. It’s certainly the only reason I’m writing about it. I never thought I’d write about the WNBA. It’s a bogus outfit that has been kept afloat by corporate funding. Much of the miniscule audience they draw comes from the LGBQT+!* community, because a good chunk of the players are openly lesbia

Communism is coming back? No way.

  Communism is coming back? No way. by Petr Hampl ARKTOS JOURNAL Petr Hampl exposes the irony of anti-capitalist movements being funded by powerful global capitalists rather than socialist regimes. When we see an invitation to a radical political event demanding the abolition of capitalism and private property, it is not hard to guess who is funding it. Maybe Goldman Sachs, maybe the Vodafone Foundation, maybe the Ford Foundation, maybe the Soros Foundation. But it is inconceivable that, behind this, there could be support from Cuba, Venezuela or even North Korea. The struggle against capitalism has long been waged neither by socialist parties nor by socialist regimes. The fight against capitalism is being waged by bankers, corporate captains and the biggest global capitalists. At first sight, this seems impossible to understand. But this is largely due to the fact that we think about such things very imprecisely. Examples of such inaccurate, superficial thinking are cries like “commun

Remote Amazon Tribe Gets Internet Access . . . You ALREADY KNOW What Happens Next!

  Remote Amazon Tribe Gets Internet Access . . . You ALREADY KNOW What Happens Next! THE CORBETT REPORT by James Corbett Have you ever wondered what would happen if you suddenly gave the internet to a remote, isolated indigenous tribe with no prior experience of the modern world? Well, wonder no more! That's exactly what you're about to find out. Yes. as either an elaborate PR stunt or a selfless act of generosity (depending on whom you ask), a wealthy American benefactor has just bestowed the "gift" of Starlink antennae on an Amazonian tribe to connect their isolated community to the internet. In other words, we are watching exactly what transpires when you introduce a non-technological tribe to the glories of the internet. And the result of this strange little experiment has been exactly as horrific as you might imagine. . . . THE STORY The Vale do Javari is one of the largest indigenous territories in Brazil. Located in a remote region of Brazil's Amazonas stat