
The WHO: Building a Permanent Pandemic Market

  The WHO: Building a Permanent Pandemic Market In the face of a potentially industry-ending slew of patent cliffs, Big Pharma has begun acquiring biotechnology companies to stave off collapse. To get these drugs to market, the industry is pursuing the only solution left for their dying model: a full takeover of the WHO to capture the global regulatory system. BY MAX JONES Big Pharma must soon confront an industry-wide hazard that reaches magnitudes far greater than the typical concerns of corporate profit margins and business politics. Through years of industry consolidation, it has essentially made itself “too big to fail.” Only now, the model which it once could never fail within — that is, the practice of obtaining patent exclusivity over drugs that are approved through clinical trials and regulations — has become obsolete, even impossible, under the current conditions of the industry.  In this new climate, the trials and regulations Big Pharma once successfully navigated may very

If you think the next "pandemic" isn't coming soon, you'd better check out the International Bird Flu Summit

 Thanks to Who D. Who for recommending this article... If you think the next "pandemic" isn't coming soon, you'd better check out the International Bird Flu Summit  Americans who really do believe in INDEPENDENCE ought to crash this party MARK CRISPIN MILLER Remember Event 201, the war game—er, “tabletop exercise” that took place at the Johns Hopkins “Center for Health Security” on Oct. 15, 2019, cosponsored by that outfit along with Bill/Melinda Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation? If you  do  remember that “event,” you might also recall the rollout of “the coronavirus”  three months later. That interesting coincidence suggests that we—or those of us who didn’t much enjoy the last “pandemic,” and want intensely not to see another one—pay close attention to the date of this  next  predatory confab: October 3/4. If indeed the past is prologue, those dates suggest the  possibility  that “bird flu” will start to crush the world (or what’s left of it after “COVID”) in ea

Give me Liberty or Give me America 2.0

  Give me Liberty or Give me America 2.0 Some truths are self-evident DONALD JEFFRIES Artwork by Heidi Wurst As I’ve noted before, I was fascinated by history as a very young boy. And no part of history caught my attention like the founding of this nation. The American Revolution, the War for Independence- call it what you will. The Boston Tea Party. The Minutemen. Paul Revere’s midnight ride. The shot heard around the world. I know that our Founders weren’t perfect. Thomas Paine, the brilliant writer who produced  Common Sense,  the pamphlet that helped ignite patriotic fervor in the colonies, wound up hating George Washington, who did indeed seem to have forgotten his invaluable contributions to the movement for independence. Shockingly and inexplicably, the location of most of Paine’s remains are unknown, as I detailed in  Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963.  Washington’s actions regarding the Whiskey Rebellion besmirch his reputation. He also was unfortunately swa