
Why I have asked for my name to be removed as a signatory to The Great Barrington Declaration.

Why I have asked for my name to be   removed as a signatory to The Great   Barrington Declaration. I now believe it is part of the problem, not the solution. Jonathan Engler Like  Jessica Hockett 's post the other day ( here ) this isn’t likely to make me any new friends and is highly likely to result in me losing some of my existing ones. Well, so be it. I am not going to stand by while one humongous lie is allowed to become established just because people find the entire truth unpalatable, nor because of some misguided desire to coalesce behind “consensus” for tactical reasons. (Maybe my recollection is mistaken, but I am pretty sure that allowing a manufactured “consensus” to drown out all other viewpoints was what got us into much of the mess we are now in.) I just sent the email below to (the only address I could find at  their website ). However, whether or not I receive a response is largely irrelevant as I don’t think the names (other than those on t

How's That Israeli Plan Working?

  How's That Israeli Plan Working? Mark Wauck Of course, everything could change overnight. That said … The plan has long been clear. In fact, it was clear about a year ago, come October 7th, when Israel allowed the Hamas raid into Israel to take prisoners to exchange for the thousands of Palestinians being held in inhumane conditions by Israel. The plan was to allow a slaughter of Jews that would inflame Western opinion to the extent that Israel would be allowed to ethnically cleanse—by whatever means necessary—all of Palestine. And then start carving out a Greater Israel with a push to the Litani River in Lebanon, through Hezbollah’s Shiite stronghold. Well, the best laid schemes of Zionists gang aft agley, and so they have done this time, as well. The rest of the world simply didn’t buy into the weird sexual atrocity fantasies so cherished by Zionists worldwide (and still propagated in the US by presidential candidates). That called for a slight modification of the scheme—gettin

When Technology Starts Killing

  When Technology Starts Killing by Alexander Dugin Alexander Dugin Alexander Dugin argues that the mass terror involving technological explosions in Lebanon, orchestrated by Israel, highlights the dangers of unchecked digitalization and artificial intelligence, warning that Russia could face similar threats as technology increasingly poses risks to humanity. The situation with the explosions of pagers, radios, phones, and even home appliances in Lebanon has many dimensions. I will focus on the three most important ones. First of all, what happened is simply a case of mass terrorism carried out by the State of Israel. One might think that after what it has been doing in Gaza, nothing would surprise us anymore. But no, we were surprised. This act of mass terror was not directed against Hezbollah but against the Lebanese people in general: the thousands of exploding pagers, radios, and phones were also in the hands of children. Now, it is hard to speak of Israel as anything other than a

Mossad's Exploding Pager Attacks and 9/11

  Mossad's Exploding Pager Attacks and 9/11  Ron Unz Audio Player For the last half-dozen years, Israeli-born  Ronan Bergman  has served as a reporter with the  New York Times , and I’ve regularly heard him described as the best-connected American journalist in Israel, with especially close ties to that country’s powerful security services such as the Mossad, Shin Bet, and Unit 8200. Much of that reputation goes back to the 2018 publication of his book  Rise and Kill First , a widely praised and highly authoritative history of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence service, as well as its sister agencies. As  I wrote  in early 2020: The author devoted six years of research to the project, which was based upon a thousand personal interviews and access to an enormous number of official documents previously unavailable. As suggested by the title, his primary focus was Israel’s long history of assassinations, and across his 750 pages and thousand-odd source references he recounts th