
Organoid Wetware's Ethical Dystopia

  Organoid Wetware's Ethical Dystopia When 'Cutting-Edge' Research Tools Turn Human Brain Tissue into a Technological Nightmare. Good Intentions Leading to Hell Imagine a  Brave New World , pun fully intended, a bright future where the boundaries between human consciousness and machine intelligence blur to the joy of people whose well-meaning but sometimes misguided intentions could lead us straight to hell. It is not yet known  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?   but if you thought you’ve known horror, think of “WETWARE”— this slimy term cynically refers to the use of human brain tissue in computing, suggesting a future where human cognition is exploited for technological advancements, blurring ethical lines and raising fears of manipulation and loss of autonomy— and is being done with it. Newest example of this technology is FinalSpark's  Neuroplatform , described as “a cutting-edge research tool [that] uses human brain  organoids —miniature, lab-grown brains—to ex