Organoid Wetware's Ethical Dystopia


Organoid Wetware's Ethical Dystopia

When 'Cutting-Edge' Research Tools Turn Human Brain Tissue into a Technological Nightmare.

Good Intentions Leading to Hell

Imagine a Brave New World, pun fully intended, a bright future where the boundaries between human consciousness and machine intelligence blur to the joy of people whose well-meaning but sometimes misguided intentions could lead us straight to hell. It is not yet known Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? but if you thought you’ve known horror, think of “WETWARE”—this slimy term cynically refers to the use of human brain tissue in computing, suggesting a future where human cognition is exploited for technological advancements, blurring ethical lines and raising fears of manipulation and loss of autonomy—and is being done with it.

Newest example of this technology is FinalSpark's Neuroplatform, described as “a cutting-edge research tool [that] uses human brain organoids—miniature, lab-grown brains—to explore the intricacies of the human mind.”

What could go wrong?

Nothing as long as we have Wetware computing and organoid intelligence as “an emerging research field at the intersection of electrophysiology and artificial intelligence. The core concept involves using living neurons to perform computations, similar to how Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are used today.”

Blurred Frontiers

After all, the article says \( L = f(O, E) \), with \( O = T(I, S) \), which is, obviously, even for a layman like myself, an iron-clad scientific proof that nothing could go wrong. Despite this seemingly sound formula one—as we learned with the coronovirus vax— should not question, my concerns remain. The development of a platform “that allows remote manipulation and experimentation on brain organoids” is indeed a significant technological advancement. While the open access to this technology provides some assurance of oversight, there are still profound ethical issues to consider.

For instance, the “Ethics statement” from the developers of Neuroplatform reveals that:

Ethical approval was not required for the studies on humans in accordance with the local legislation and institutional requirements because only commercially available established cell lines were used.

Such a statement raises several ethical concerns:

  • Ethical concerns related to the manipulation of human brain tissue and the potential for exploitation and dehumanization are therefore neglected;

  • The article touches on the potential for misuse, such as intrusive surveillance or cognitive control, but does not elaborate on safeguards or regulations that might prevent such outcomes

Moreover, the high level of technical detail in their scientific propaganda piece obscures all the potential issues that go along with mass-scale manipulation of human societies, our daily lives, and our future. The proverbial “ordinary person” will keep living in the dark, unaware of the future “they” are building for us without our consent.

While Neuroplatform is lauded for its technological advancements, the implications of such technology are deeply troubling. By enabling remote manipulation of human brain organoids, we risk crossing ethical boundaries, treating human neural tissues as mere components in a machine. This could lead to scenarios where human cognitive functions are exploited for computational purposes, raising fears of dehumanization and loss of autonomy.

Recall how Neo was silenced in the Matrix scene in which he had no mouth and how the filmmakers, both men now women, anticipated us as mere energy sources for the machines.

Like that wasn’t enough, a creepy machine-like tracker forces its way into Neo’s body.

Those “breakthroughs” in neuroscience conjure a dystopian nightmare. These brain organoids—my skin crawls every time I see, read or write that word—manipulated remotely, could become the core of biocomputers whose ethical implications are staggering:

  • Would these advances bring us to the brink of creating entities with the potential for consciousness, subject to exploitation?

  • Could this exploitation be 100 times worse than how current powers are manipulating humans, through actions like cutting breasts off young girls' bodies or using “puberty blockers” in their so-called ‘affirmative care’ that keeps boys' testicles undeveloped?

  • Would we go deeper into this biotechnological nightmare frontier to the future where the line between human and machine is irrevocably crossed?

From their poster:

Full poster for your enjoyment:

Finalspark Neuroplatform Poster
75.1MB ∙ PDF file

It All Fits the Bill

I must admit, despite the nighmmares Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, and Franz Kafka used to give me, when I read, almost 20 years ago, Roy Kurzweil’s now famous book, The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (a follow-up  creatively titled The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI is coming up soon), I was excited over the future that seemed possible. But then, so many books like Jennifer Doudna’s A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution started to worry me. I even offered my own dystopian vision of the future (with a funny twist) in my novel Tycho Brahe Secret, but no dystopia came closer to our realities.

Every such glimpse into the future, like the open-source wetware organic tube-baby-brains they’re producing, not only flashes with red alarms but also harkens back to our other realities, in which “good intentions” wreaked havoc on our society, creating fissures as deep as the Grand Canyon.

  • Medieval persecution of “anti-vaxxers” split up families and friendships over what is now seen as the biggest fraud ever: COVID-19 vaccines and worldwide lockdowns that corralled our bodies and messed up our brains, creating horrible divisiveness that still continues to plague us.

  • The god-like status of a common thug who’s now getting his own movie, given that “he died for all of us,” serves to recall the horrors of the racist past. The least racist country of the early 21st century, the United States of America, is now suffering under the racist divide that was used to create all sorts of DEI, woke, communist Cultural Revolution-like societal morass.

Are we still wondering why ‘they’—the powers that be—are destroying our language, taking away our freedoms, and silencing us? Why is “mothers” out as a word? Why is the utter insanity of “man giving birth” promoted as we’re facing demographic collapse?

One would think the Frankenstein monsters shaping our society into its bride’s worst nightmare would promote all those wonderful trans creatures, men giving birth, as a solution to our aging population’s problems—a panacea of blue-pink-haired paradise in which even killing children can be “legal.” But nope. There is no need for a holistic approach to betterment of society; instead, they do the opposite and compartmentalize the madness, fracturing our collective brains a bit more with each new attack.

So once one takes a step back and looks at what the psychopaths in charge of our nation have been doing, seeing this monstrosity is no surprise, despite its nauseating qualities.

The most sickening sentence in a long time... coming from the most sickening war-mongering propaganda outlet. Although they do confess, it is a disturbing sight to see “a legally murdered child.

We are ALREADY being programmed, and have been for ages. The process of “normalizing the insane” makes—a legally murdered child—an utter monstrosity neatly placed in our brains, just like “safe and effective vaccines” or any other ghastly psyops they used to completely screw us over and make our lives as miserable as possible. Yesterday’s unthinkable is now appropriate water cooler talk.

We’re just a buggy wetware for them. Our minds are soon to be replaced by organoids that would perform all sorts of functions for their own benefit, but bereft of free will, something they try to break in us, so far unsuccessfully, so replacing us is the second best choice.

Source: Struggles From The Dark


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