"The number of children on antidepressants has soared. Is it a real crisis or one invented by psychiatrists seeking new patients?" by Frank Furedi
The number of children on antidepressants has soared. Is it a real crisis or one invented by psychiatrists seeking new patients? Frank Furedi is an author and social commentator. He is an emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent in Canterbury. Author of How Fear Works : The Culture of Fear in the 21st Century. Follow him on Twitter @Furedibyte 6 Sep, 2021 13:12 Get short URL © Getty Images / BrianAJackson 84 Follow RT on The medicalisation of childhood is one of the most depressing features of Anglo-American child rearing. Year by year, it’s getting worse. The problem of mental health is fast becoming synonymous with childhood. Unfortunately, the medical establishment is more than happy to solve the problems of children by shoving drugs down their throats. This alarming trend was highlighted by new NHS figures published at the end of last month that showed that...