
Showing posts from October 6, 2024

The Preposterous Nature of “Reality”

  The Preposterous Nature of “Reality” Edward J. Curtin, Jr.     It is not uncommon to be doing something seemingly innocuous when one is flooded with wild thoughts, musings that seem randomly meaningless, leading nowhere.  Thoughts that think us.  To dismiss them, however, is a mistake.  For me, these unbidden guests usually visit me when I am out walking or lying in bed right before sleep. Recently, as I was again walking across the meandering Housatonic River through the covered wooden bridge in Sheffield, Massachusetts, I found myself waylaid by the thought of the word “preposterous,” which is usually understood to mean absurd, very silly, or foolish.  Being happily eccentric and language obsessed, I thought of its etymology, which from the Latin means before-behind or before-after, which makes preposterous an absurd, nonsense word itself, which seemed appropriate to thoughts that were approaching me from the other side as I walked ass-backwards (my behind behind me) toward them. 

Hurricane Helene — We Are On Our Own

  Hurricane Helene — We Are On Our Own The Abdication of Sovereignty and the Need for Folkishness Imperium Press If you prefer the audio of this article, click  here . Here at the Imperium Press Substack we’ve built a conceptual framework to dissolve liberalism and return us to more organic communities—we call it  folkishness . But once in a while it’s worth asking  why  we do this. Increasingly, the answer is given to us by the news. Right now, Hurricane Helene is battering the American Southeast—flyover country—and the people there are being starved of help. This is a vision of the future. Get used to it. When they say “our democracy” is under attack, the emphasis is “our”, as in, “not your” democracy. You are something extra, something superfluous. In an attempt to expedite the demographic replacement of its native stock, the US government has spent $1.4 billion in the past two years on migrant resettlement. As a result, FEMA is now tapped out and doesn’t have the funds to cover the

The Hollow Empire

  The Hollow Empire The civilization has become hollow, but we do not have to be. Morgoth In an earlier, more innocent internet age, a joke went around that if you typed ‘‘Google’’ into Google search enough times, the internet would meltdown and destroy itself. It never happened, though not for the lack of trying on my part. Still, I always enjoyed the idea, its call-back infinity loops, an inversion of the Asimovian paradox of artificial intelligence saving humans by enslaving them or, more recently, eradicating ‘‘transphobia’’ by eradicating humans. I asked Xitter’s ‘‘Grok’’ AI to justify its existence morally, and it replied with reems of technocratic waffle about increasing positive outcomes, encouraging human flourishing, and even being a friend to lonely hearts. Its summary of its own purpose is: The moral justification of my existence, therefore, hinges on balancing these benefits against the potential harms, ensuring that my development and deployment are guided by ethical cons

The Demiurge Of Technocracy

  The Demiurge Of Technocracy by  blueapples   For a while, Elon Musk left a tweet pinned to the top of his X account that read “X as humanity’s collective consciousness.” Although it seemed innocuous,  the metaphysical undertones of the message alluded to an underlying influence that categorically shapes the agenda of the ruling elite: esotericism.  While the idea of a collective consciousness is often examined through an exoteric lens in which its surface level application on a sociological level is analyzed, the deeper dimensions of the concept give insight into the motives behind what drives the ruling elite. The power harnessed from that deeper knowledge is evident from the god complex the elitists in the upper-most echelons of society exhibit. In an age of ascending technocracy influencing the fabric of society instilled by the powers that be which govern it, another esoteric concept illustrates not only how they operate but what their ultimate aims are. That all-enveloping conce