
Is the Great Reset Failing? When Great Narratives Fall Apart

Is the Great Reset Failing? When Great Narratives Fall Apart Joaquin Flores The WEF’s newest release “The Great Narrative” with its fixation on ‘fake news’ is as much an admission of guilt as it is recognition of failure. A funny thing happens when corporate culture becomes indistinguishable from government culture. Corporatized governments promote and grant authority to those ‘ambitious’ individuals who can best over-sell and over-promise results. Think of unimpressive appointees like Trudeau, Ardern, Johnson, and Morrison. At first glance it doesn’t really matter that these aims are unattainable. But it does matter, because from it we can crystalize this axiom: the more impossible the dream, the more it promotes the likes Ardern, et al. As each one percent increase in unemployment sustained over a year creates  some thirty-six thousand ‘deaths of despair’ , a widely known and published fact, the shutting down of economies several years ago was going to cause millions of such deat...

Right Again, Unfortunately, On Russia

Right Again, Unfortunately, On Russia Paleocons were right about endless wars in the Middle East, right about the dangers of a rising China and have, disappointingly, been proven right again. Pat Buchanan campaigning in the 1990s. (Photo by © Wally McNamee/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images) FEBRUARY 24, 2022 BRADLEY DEVLIN As Russia began its drive into Ukraine on several fronts overnight, neoconservatives and right-liberals tried to lay the blame for the invasion at the feet of American nationalists and paleoconservatives. They’ve labeled restrainers Russian stooges, or variations of the term, and preemptively impugned them for what some already describe in terms of an impending  Holocaust . Their deep well of historical analogies never ceases to impress. While the hawks would like you to believe that recent developments in Ukraine have discredited the paleoconservative position, it has proven quite the opposite. For decades, this magazine and a coalition of foreign policy restrainer...

WEF the first 40 Years (now unlocked)

WEF the first 40 Years (now unlocked) A graphical representation Ungovernable Rich (honk, honk) 1971: The European Management Forum. Very diverse. Incel Klaus marries 1972: Attendance falls but no PLEBS! 1977: Punch card dystopia 1980: The anti-capitalist Kissenger speaks. Antifa Henry, incel boy and Hampstead Heathen 1982: The very formal informals (sounds like a Specials song) 1983: Looks like Mad cow disease. 1986: The WEF plans climate catastrophe. 1988: The  larrakin  Rhodes Scholar from Oz 33333 it’s all in the numbers 1989: WELCOM our offer is too good to refuse. 1991: From all walks of FAMOUS life. 1992: Big Brother anti-capitalist Henry. 1994: What Israeli/Palestinian problem do you mena? 1995: Big brother “I did not have sex with [search year] ” Bill C’est nous, le Vatican 1996: Plans, plans.. 1997: Commited to update the definition of fascism. 1998: Strongarming the neighbour at Cologny. Just deplorable. 1 .. 2 .. 3 Plastic Fantastic thriller Hey not just pop stars....