Blatant Blarney: Derangement as Default Setting
Blatant Blarney: Derangement as Default Setting Omar Khan Poet, essayist, author, teacher, B.W. Lowe, reminds us, " We become slaves the moment we hand the keys to the definition of reality entirely over to someone else, whether it is a business, an economic theory, a political party, the White House, Newsworld or CNN.” Of course, there are depths to our enslavement. To offer ourselves to CNN is truly to free fall into vacuity and innuendo incarnate. Desmet’s “Mass Formation” is about paucity of inner lives, shriveled social bonds, the anxiety kicked loose by these vacuums and the aggression that builds from the concomitant frustration and despair. And then, here cometh a unifying narrative, someone to compose the confusion, to offer “belonging” (masks, distancing, manic sanitizing and other earnest rituals however divorced from efficacy), and off we go. We’ve been reminded that outright gibberish, discredited, factually bereft gibberish, repeated often enough, delivered from cita...