
Pandemic Propaganda Posters

Pandemic Propaganda Posters Justin Hart It’s important to retain a memory of how we let ourselves get sucked into the pandemic response. The masks, the vaccines, the lockdowns, the censorship — collectively, we have a lot to repent for. The kindest interpretation: we let ourselves get carried away with panic — foisted on us by our health overlords. So, to the task of memory, I capture below many posters plastered across walls and online — replete evidence of the propaganda which brought us to this low point in our society. We succumbed — many artists gave in to the emotion and proffered more fear and more masking. Note: art is powerful and nothing is more influential than  powerful vicious  art. Please note, I don’t believe the many artists who composed are  vicious  but the policies which influenced them are absolutely vicious. Unlike the censorship regimes, I do not infer intent to murder from these pieces — rather, it is metonymy — a mirror on how almost all of us...


POPULIST STRATEGY NOTES #1 BETWEEN THE PATHOCRACY ROCK AND A MANAGERIAL CLASS HARD PLACE The Evolved Psyche From early in the history of this substack a problem has been identified for the success of populism in the age of managerial liberalism. Populism has been described as a manifestation that the ruled have lost faith in their rulers; populism aspires to a re-foundation, either in the forms or persons (or both) that rule the society. A unique set of challenges though confront a populist insurgency under the rule of the managerial class. One of these is that, through their unique class  ventriloquism  and their effectiveness at executing the “ revolution within the form ,” populism’s traditional remedy to corrupt or sclerotic rulers, the imposition of a more radical democracy, has become the Trojan Horse by which the managerial class, rather than suffering setback in its hegemony, actually consolidates and deepens its rule. That’s bad enough, but as also discussed earlier o...