
Pfizer Trial Fraud: The House of Cards Shakes

Pfizer Trial Fraud: The House of Cards Shakes The Many, Many Faces of Fraud Mathew Crawford " There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy: hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny ." -Frederick William Robertson The list of serious problems in the Pfizer trials just grows and grows and grows. And yet, it's an interesting question as to whether that even matters. Pfizer Inc. @pfizer After developing the COVID-19 vaccine in record time, we had to find a way to make sure it was accessible. We teamed up with @zipline to use drones to get the vaccine where it needs to go – including remote communities in Ghana:… May 23rd 2022 14 Retweets 55 Likes I've never seen this in a tweet, but I had to click the "Show more replies" button a total of  29 times  to get to the end. No, I'm not kidding! Try it. Let us summarize what is to come: The trial reports should never have been read as demonstrating efficacy. A trial whistleblower was...