Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship
Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation Margaret Anna Alice “Tyranny is a habit which may be developed until at last it becomes a disease. I declare that the noblest nature can become so hardened and bestial that nothing distinguishes it from that of a wild animal. Blood and power intoxicate; they help to develop callousness and debauchery. The mind then becomes capable of the most abnormal cruelty, which it regards pleasure; the man and the citizen are swallowed up in the tyrant; and the return to human dignity, repentance, moral resurrection, becomes almost impossible.” ―Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The House of the Dead ( Kindle , paperback , hardcover , audiobook ) If you’re the type of person who’s brimming with lovingkindness and thinks everyone is sunshine and daisies like you, you’re due for a crash course on tyrants and their enablers . Maybe you think the idea that philanth...