
What types of people would want to declare a Pandemic Amnesty?

What types of people would want to declare a Pandemic Amnesty? Does being in the dark allow you to dehumanise a section of society? NE - As I’m sure most of you have read by now, Emily Oster, writing in The Atlantic, wants to declare a pandemic amnesty. She want’s us all to forgive each other for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID. Emily wants to skip the apologising phase and go straight to being forgiven. Don’t worry about losing your job, being shunned by friends and family, having your freedom restricted and all the other atrocities that happened over the past few years, turn the other cheek and forgive Emily. But what kind of person actually needs forgiveness? I certainly don’t. I didn’t say or do anything during the pandemic that needs forgiveness. So who does? Below is a small selection of the types of people that might agree with Emily. Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson Geraldo just had another absolute meltdown on live TV, says those

Germany’s position in America’s New World Order

Thanks to  Saint Jimmy (Russian American) for recommending this article. Germany’s position in America’s New World Order By  Michael     Germany has become an economic satellite of America’s New Cold War with Russia, China and the rest of Eurasia. Germany and other NATO countries have been told to impose trade and investment sanctions upon themselves that will outlast today’s proxy war in Ukraine. U.S. President Biden and his State Department spokesmen have explained that Ukraine is just the opening arena in a much broader dynamic that is splitting the world into two opposing sets of economic alliances. This global fracture promises to be a ten- or twenty-year struggle to determine whether the world economy will be a unipolar U.S.-centered dollarized economy, or a multipolar, multi-currency world centered on the Eurasian heartland with mixed public/private economies. President Biden has characterized this split as being between democracies and autocracies. The terminology is typical O