
“Helps Protect”

WhatsApp Advertising is a spectacular thing. It enables the selling of a feeling rather than a fact. You could save up to 50 percent. . . Though of course, you’ll probably “save” nothing. This is how the “vaccines” are being advertised now. They “help protect” (which means they might but probably won’t) against the effects of the sickness people were told, just months ago, in the most strident terms, they would not get and so could not spread if they took the “vaccines,” as they were falsely advertised. They aren’t told that anymore – because the false advertising is no longer supportable. It’s as if a car company advertised a V8-powered SUV that got 50 miles-per-gallon that millions of people bought, only to discover that it actually got 16 miles-per-gallon. Except that if a car company did that, they’d have been forced to retract their claims, recall the SUVs and issue peop...

Transcommunism is coming.

Transcommunism is coming. Better watch out Alain Grootaers "Never let a good crisis go to waste".  Winston Churchill made this statement immediately after the end of World War II when he sat in Yalta with US President F.D Roosevelt and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin to divide the Allies' spheres of influence.   It also led -and Churchill referred to this with his 'never let a good crisis go to waste' statement- to the creation of the United Nations. As with many of Churchill's other quotes, that statement took on a life of its own, long after the man's passing, but there are some things to be said against the final outcome.  The Yalta meeting eventually resulted in mistrust, the Cold War, the arms race, the Iron Curtain, the Berlin Wall and everything that came after. Even the United Nations - apart from being an internationally very interesting New York talking shop for privileged people - turns out to be mostly an impotent mastodon where the original goal o...

Regardless of Who's Elected, Imperial Corruption Rules the Nation

Regardless of Who's Elected, Imperial Corruption Rules the Nation But in the meantime, enjoy the political theatrics down on the sand-strewn floor of the Coliseum. While the much-touted differences between America's political parties get obsessive, hysterical attention, the sameness of Imperial corruption, waste and squalor regardless of who's in power gets little notice.  Scrape away the differences--mostly in domestic issues--and we see the dead hand of Imperial Corruption is on the tiller. The core of Imperial Corruption is the disconnect between the nation's ideals of representational democracy and open markets and the sordid reality:  elites serve their interests by corrupting both democracy and open markets. Unfettered democracy and markets cannot be controlled by a tiny, self-serving elite.  Stripped of corruption, democracy and markets are free-for-alls that are constantly evolving, as highly adaptive  islands of coherence  coalesce that influence the qu...

“That mRNA “vaccines” cause cells to produce spike proteins is a fairy tale”

Stefano Scoglio, top expert in microbiology and Italy’s most prestigious and best-known critic of the Corona policy, interviewed by Torsten Engelbrecht Torsten Engelbrecht:   Everybody seems to agree that the mRNA injections work by teaching our cells to make spike proteins. The only dispute is whether these spike proteins produced are harmless or harmful. But in your opinion, it is not the spike proteins that do these health damages. In fact, you say that the idea that spike proteins are produced is a kind of a chimera. What evidence is there to support your thesis? Stefano Scoglio:  This is scientifically evident already from the fact that it’s impossible for mRNA to enter the cell and produce anything. Anybody who talks about spike proteins and embraces the story diffused by the pharmaceutical companies just accepts that as given. But nobody is reading the damned scientific literature. In my book  Apandemia: Dalla Falsa Scienza alla più Grande Truffa della Storia ...