
How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 1

How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 1 A Brief History of BlackRock The Corbett Report by James Corbett Let's play a little game. Let's imagine you're Joe Q. Normie and you need to run out for some groceries. You hop in the car and head to the store. What store do you go to? Why, Walmart, of course! And, being an unwitting victim of  the sugar conspiracy , what do you buy when you're there? Coke, naturally! And you can get  jabbed at Walmart  these days, right? Well then, you might as well make sure you get your sixth Moderna booster while you're there! And don't forget to fill up with gas on your way home! Is this creeping you out? Then why don't you shut yourself in your house and never go out shopping again? That'll show 'em! After all, you can always order whatever you need from Amazon, can't you? Are you noticing a pattern here? Yes, in case you haven't heard, BlackRock, Inc. is now officially everywhere. It owns  everything . Sadly ...