
The Lancet has become a laughing stock

The Lancet has become a laughing stock Norman Fenton and Martin Neil In summary: On 6 May 2021 The Lancet published a  blatantly flawed study of the effectiveness of the Pfizer covid vaccine  on the population of Israel, claiming it was 95% effective. On 17 May 2021 we  submitted a rapid response 250 word letter explaining why the study was flawed . After an initial response saying they would ask the authors for a response to our letter we  heard nothing until 20 months later . On 8 January 2023 we got an email out of the blue from The Lancet Senior Editor Josefine Gibson apologising for never having got back to us about the letter, saying that they had asked the lead author Dr Sharon Alroy-Preis (SA-P) to respond to our letter but, because she did not provide any formal response, they have decided not to publish our letter. We  tweeted The Lancet's response  and within 24 hours it got over one million impressions. We also published a  substack article  highlighting the fact we wer