
Has The World Economic Forum Just Reached “Peak Creepy”?

Has The World Economic Forum Just Reached “Peak Creepy”? Why do people think that it is creepy that a group of “select human beings” have gathered in Davos, Switzerland to shape the agenda of the entire planet?  Could it be because many of the attendees are horny aging narcissists that truly believe that they are “saving the world”?  During the day they listen to speeches about diversity, equality and inclusion, and then at night many of them pay young women to perform degrading sex acts.  But since they have lots of money, they are able to pay the “sex workers” very well.  Of course a lot of them flew into Davos on carbon-spewing private jets, but then they have the gall to lecture the rest of us about turning up our thermostats a little bit too much in the middle of the winter.  Sadly, no matter what these elitists do, the mainstream media will continue to portray them as “saviors” that are justifiably telling the rest of us how to live our lives. As he opened the 2023 annual meeting

Independent Media Confrontations With John Kerry and Albert Bourla in Davos

Independent Media Confrontations With John Kerry and Albert Bourla in Davos The Art of The Ambush Celia Farber Yes I am fully aware that these two reporters believe there is a pathogen that is transmissible that is responsible for what they believe to be a coherent syndrome called “Covid.” I can not purify every source. In the case of Bourla, I was simply relieved to see that he was confronted. I think this is more GOOD news. Some will call it “limited hangout.” I call it good journalism. Avi Yemini @OzraeliAvi WE CAUGHT HIM! Watch what happened when  @ezralevant  and I spotted Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, on the street in Davos today. We finally asked him all the questions the mainstream media refuses to ask. Full story:  SUPPORT: 5:51 PM ∙ Jan 18, 2023 35,285 Likes 16,009 Retweets Andrew Lawton @AndrewLawton US climate envoy John Kerry flew to Davos to implore the world to do more to reduce carbon emissions. However, when I asked him about Chi

Human Sacrifice, Then and Now

Human Sacrifice, Then and Now BY  JEFFREY A. TUCKER   I've spent the last three days in awe of the temples of Teotihuacan, Mexico, which are beyond description in size and scale, challenging even the pyramids of Egypt for inclusion in wonders of the world. They are all the more impressive because we can observe their geographic context as part of a large and once-thriving community, including the ruins of roads and housing complexes.  The age of the temples date from the 1st century and before, even long before, and the town itself was a massive cultural and commercial center until about the 8th century, when the population migrated elsewhere.  We like to find connections between our lives and theirs and we find it in the everyday ways of the people, who, like us, had families to feed, water to find and keep, and life struggles to overcome with the assistance of trading relationships, folkways, tools, community leaders, and traditions. It’s all very beautiful and remarkable, and al

Money Change...

And while they are there... Now we know why they need so much MONEY!