
VACCINEsteria: Best Vaccine Passport & Social Credit Score Memes (Slippery Slopes!)

  VACCINEsteria: Best Vaccine Passport & Social Credit Score Memes (Slippery Slopes!) Already here, everything is now the government's business, some good ideas, remember who the people pushing this nonsense was friends with and more vaccine passports + social credit score memes! If you don’t think social credit scores can happen in the West, think again as vaccine passports were a trial run: Us Citizens Were Tracked Via Secret ‘Covid Decree Violation’ Scores ‘We Are Not QR Codes:’ Alberta Premier Apologizes for Canadian Vaccine Passports, Promises ‘Purge’ of Database And now for some vaccine passports and social credit score memes… Slippery slopes: Why is this the government’s business?: Still happening: Ohhh: Good ideas: Resist: The final word: Source: Covidsteria + Tales From The Great Reset

Agent Zelensky...

 A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky     Part 1     Part 2     Source