Everyday Conspiracies
Everyday Conspiracies THE CORBETT REPORT by James Corbett Thank you in advance to all of the regular Corbett Report readers who forward this week's editorial to the person (or people) in your life whom you think will benefit from reading it . What's that, you say? You're sick of hearing from those crazy conspiracy whackadoodles, are you? Yeah, I hear you. They can get all preachy and in your face, screaming at you to "Wake up, sheeple!" And they're always pushing some extremist agenda and lecturing you about the politics of Russia and the history of the Federal Reserve and the latest white papers from the UN and other weird topics that no one cares about . The last thing you want is to be cornered by one of those tinfoil hat weirdos at a party, amirite? But, hey, you're into sports, right? And social media? And entertainment? You know, everyday stuff that normal people like to talk about? Great! Because, boy, do I have some st...