
The Secret Sauce for Not Shooting Each Other

  The Secret Sauce for Not Shooting Each Other The Washington Post goes to a Public School and, like the Students and Teachers, Learns Nothing. LIBRARIAN OF CELAENO I really didn’t intend a series inspired by the  Washington Post , but reading that august journal is much like watching  Neil Breen films , so-bad-it’s-good entertainment, but with a bigger budget. As I had to give them an email address when looking up the original story that  inspired the last   two essays  in my  WaPo  rabbit hole, I now get regular announcements for their new material, and since they’ve algorithmically deduced that I am a teacher, I get a lot of their hot takes on the world of education. Needless to say, their content is undeviatingly homogenous neoliberal boilerplate, the kind of stuff that could be (and may be) produced by an AI trained by reading NEA press releases and watching TED Talks. Not the good ones, though Most of you reading my essays probably don’t rea...