
The Trojan Horse of the Pandemic

  The Trojan Horse of the Pandemic Genomics, Nanotechnology, and the Transhumanistic Agenda BODHISATTVAS BETTY Since its onset, the origins of the pandemic have been a subject of ongoing debate, ranging from the initial narrative of a natural zoonotic transfer to humans to speculations involving a viral bioweapon and potential laboratory leaks. Initial reports in late 2019 suggested an epidemic caused by a zoonotic virus spreading from Wuhan, China, with the belief that it originated from an animal reservoir at a live-animal market. However, there continues to be speculation about alternative sources of blame for the pandemic's origins, and responsibility has been attributed to various sources. In March 2020, the  US Department of State called upon the Chinese ambassador  to express dissatisfaction with remarks made by a Chinese spokesperson. The spokesperson had suggested that the virus was introduced to Wuhan by the US military, purportedly as a bioweapon. Following thi...