
America's Next Motorcycle Philosopher?

 Thanks to BrahmaFear for recommending this article... America's Next Motorcycle Philosopher? He's a bestselling writer with a penchant for bikes, but "Archedelia" author Matthew Crawford offers a new kind of wisdom. A Substack Q&A MATT TAIBBI  AND  EMILY BIVENS In 1974 a fictionalized account of writer Robert Pirsig’s 17-day motorcycle trip with his son in 1968 hit bookstores after surviving 121 rejections, and quickly became one of the all-time surprise publishing hits. Connecting with audiences all around the world, Pirsig could soon claim to have authored the top-selling  philosophy-themed book in American history , selling over 5 million copies. This was despite the fact that even its fans rarely knew how to describe the book, with  New York Times  reviewer Christopher Lehmann-Haupt concluding that whatever its philosophical worth, it was “ intellectual entertainment of the highest order .” Author Matthew Crawford has a bestselling book with a moto...