
Affirming Trans Identities is Harmful.

  Affirming Trans Identities is Harmful. Don't do it. And don't teach children to do it either. CAROL DANSEREAU There’s a lot of pressure everywhere to affirm trans and nonbinary identities, including those declared by children. Affirmation is touted as kind, righteous, and even lifesaving.  Many parents are committed to teaching their children to affirm, seeing it as an extension of the basic respect they want their young ones to show everyone. But affirmation is not kind, respectful, righteous or lifesaving.  It is not benign.  In fact, it is extremely harmful to those who are affirmed, and those who do the affirming. This article discusses why, focusing on affirmation with respect to children. For those new to this issue, here’s what various terms used in this article mean.  People with “trans identities” believe themselves to be the opposite sex. Those with “nonbinary identities” claim to be sexless, both sexes, a third sex, or some other variation of not simply male or fem

The face of hypocrisy in all its glory

  The face of hypocrisy in all its glory IRINA SLAV I was planning to shred some recent reports about fun stuff like green job subsidies and keeping oil in the ground but last night I finally got to watch a game from Euro 24 and my plan changed. The reason it changed was that in that game, or rather, the advertising around the pitch, the face of hypocrisy showed itself in all its glory. Now, you might argue that we see that face on a daily basis in every Euractiv report, in every “Europe” section news story on Reuters and other corporate media, but I guess that those ads around the pitch were the last straw. So, as I watched ten German citizens of foreign descent in rather odd purple shirts chase ten Hungarians back and forth, I couldn’t help but notice most of the ads were for companies such as Hisense, Aliexpress, Alicom, BYD, Vivo and some digital wallet or something that Google told me was an Alibaba business. Five of the thirteen Euro 24 official sponsors, in other words, are Chin

HELL’S BELLE SMELLS: Hillary For Apocalypse 2024?

  HELL’S BELLE SMELLS: Hillary For Apocalypse 2024? Does America's Quintessential Crazy Liberal White Woman Still Covet The Top 'Role'? TOM SIEBERT Are you not entertained? Face it: There is no scenario more darkly riveting than a Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump 2016 rematch. “ A witch is born out of the true hungers of her time. Thus, I am a child of the poisonous wind that copulated with the East River on an oil-slick, garbage infested midnight. I turn about on my own parentage. I am a serum born of venoms. I am the antibody of all Time .” — Ray Bradbury, “ Long After Midnight ” “ The most entertaining outcome (as if we were in a movie) is the most likely .” -  Elon Musk $ $ $ $ $ $ She’s baaaaaaaaack? Or maybe she never really left? Either way, her second coming sucks.  I’ve been percolating around this Substack for at least a year, reluctant to articulate the horror herein for fear of manifesting its rancid reality. But the events of the past couple days have got me th