
Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon

Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon The Corbett Report by James Corbett We've all heard of mRNA "vaccines" by now. In fact, no matter where you are in the world and no matter how switched on to Big Pharma and its scamdemic tricks you may be, you doubtless know people who took the mRNA jab. Perhaps you were even coerced into it yourself. But have you heard about the  next  generation of "vaccines" that Big Pharma is preparing to unleash upon the public? They're called sa-mRNA vaccines, or "replicon" vaccines, and they've already been approved in Japan, where they are expected to start rolling out as early as next month. If you're concerned about the dangers of the mRNA "vaccines," you should be  very  concerned about the threat posed by these new experimental replicon "vaccines." Let's examine the details. MEET THE REPLICONS Image courtesy of  this article . Don't mind the typo in the image title! (Trust

Are We In The Middle Of A Planned Revolution? Yes.

  Are We In The Middle Of A Planned Revolution? Yes. “Day 93 under the dome.  With necessities growing dangerously low, who knows what spark will set off this powder keg?” –  The Simpsons Movie I saw two men in matching outfits so I asked them if they were gay.  Turns out that doesn’t make the NYPD happy. A phenomenon that has sweep the world in the early 21 st  century has been the “Color Revolution”.  This is characterized by a “grassroots” movement whose aim was theoretically to create a liberal Western democracy on the European model.  An example would be most Western European countries, with the exception of the Islamic Caliphate of France. What methods were used in these “peaceful” revolutions? Leadership by Non-Governmental Organizations Civil Disobedience Civil Disorder/Disobedience/Protests Total Lack of Chill Use of the Internet to Organize Heavy “Student” Participation When I read that list, I see a single conclusion:  the CIA did it, sometimes with the help of George Soros.

A Fool's Counsel!

 I thought it was a joke... But no! It is really there .

Night of the Living Refugees

  Night of the Living Refugees America 2.0 goes full Third World Donald Jeffries Recently, our beloved migrants- of untold numbers from all over the world, have been in the forefront of the news. Well, when I say all over the world, I should emphasize it’s the nonwhite world. That’s an integral feature of this ugly phenomenon. And it’s more essential to the Great Replacement than Affirmative Action ever was. First, we heard about Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment buildings in Chicago. The police were said to be oddly disinterested, as were the local authorities. A mayor called it “fake news.” In response to yet another apartment building takeover in Aurora, Colorado, there were rumors that the Hell’s Angels, of all people, were going to ride to the rescue and do the job American police wouldn’t. But as must see TV as that would have been, a battle between outlaw bikers and U.S. government sponsored migrants never transpired. The fact checkers told us that there was “no evidence” t

Caitlin Johnstone: Trump Party Vs Cheney Party

  Caitlin Johnstone: Trump Party Vs Cheney Party Two warmongering oligarchic parties are shoving the Overton window of acceptable opinion as far in the direction of imperialism, militarism and tyranny as possible. Liz Cheney taking the congressional oath of office in January 2017 with her father Dick Cheney at right.  (Office of Representative Liz Cheney, Wikimedia Commons, Public domain) By  Caitlin Johnstone D ick “Darth Vader” Cheney, has officially  endorsed Kamala Harris for president . His daughter, Liz Cheney,  has also endorsed Harris . “In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” said the former vice president in  a statement , adding, “As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.” Cheney was a  charter signatory  to the notorious neoconservative think tank  Project for the