
The only possible outcome...

No wonder this is the outcome... Spending BILLIONS to destroy our organism... Only degenerate uman animals can pull this one off!

The U.S. Power Grid Can’t Support Its Climate Pledges

By  Haley Zaremba  - Sep 01, 2022, 12:00 PM CDT - America’s ailing power grid can’t support the country’s climate pledges. - While Texas and California are producing enough renewable energy to share with other regions, surplus clean power is doomed to languish on the grid because of the dated infrastructure.  - The U.S. desperately needs to invest into creating “smart grids” that are capable of measuring and regulating a constant in- and outflow of energy. The neglected domestic power grid is standing between the United States and its climate pledges. In many parts of the country, most notably Texas, California, and the Southwest, renewable energy plants are producing enough clean, emissions-free energy to share with other regions – but there’s no way to get it there. Instead, surplus clean energy is doomed to languish on the grid where it was produced instead of being sold to where there is demand. This phenomenon has led to the peculiar outcome of negative energy prices...


DEAR MARXISTS WELCOME TO THE NEW CLASS WAR The Evolved Psyche I’ve earlier made the case for not confusing the current context of runaway managerial liberalism as Marxism or communism (see,  here ). The argument there was that these were historically specific and situational phenomena. Assuming their particulars can be directly applied to the present moment was to miss the uniqueness of the moment and risk a dangerously miscalibrated strategy. Having said that, though, does not imply basic axioms of Marxism (sheered of their misguided Hegelian hagiography and teleology) do not remain valuable tools for social analysis (as I’ve also explained  elsewhere ). The core political concept of 19th century Marxism was the dialectic of class conflict. The idea was that two classes eventually would, and under capitalism had, come into a conflict which could not be resolved under the existing conditions. Given the context of the 19th century, it was understandable that Marxists would see ...

Russia’s Great Reset: Facing Reality

Russia’s Great Reset: Facing Reality A response to the “Russian technocracy is good technocracy” argument Riley Waggaman A reader recently alerted me to an  intriguing article  published by Thomas Röper, the curator of Anti-Spiegel. In it, Röper argues that Ernst Wolff—an authoritative voice on Great Reset shenanigans—is wrong to list Russia as an active participant in the COVID-triggered New Normal. I would like to offer a different perspective on this subject, particularly because many of the arguments put forward by Röper have become commonplace on Twitter, Telegram, and podcasts that nobody listens to. To Röper’s credit, he took the time to actually write down his thoughts. Röper and I have exchanged “blog critiques” in the past; in December, he critiqued an article I wrote pointing to links between Davos and the financiers and developers behind Sputnik V. I then  critiqued  his critique. Blogging is very exciting. I want to stress that this article is not meant ...