‘Democracy’ Means Never Having to Hear ‘You’re Fired!’
‘Democracy’ Means Never Having to Hear ‘You’re Fired!’ On fortifying managed democracy from ‘political interference’ N.S. LYONS I try not to let myself get dragged into writing quick reaction pieces on breaking news or stuff other people write. It’s a bad habit of the internet age. But what can I say, sometimes I just can’t help it. Sometimes something is just too juicy to resist. Sometimes something is just too pertinent an example of what I’ve been trying to talk about here . Sometimes something causes me to eye-roll so hard I briefly pass out and come to with a burning desire to tweet something – except I don’t have Xitter, only Substack, so… I just came across an article fresh from the online pages of Government Executive (“From Swamp Parasites, For Swamp Parasites” is the magazine’s tagline, I assume). It’s mundanely titled “ OPM issues its final rule for Schedule F protections ,” and while that may not mean much to you it’s worth us taking a closer look at...