
Geoengineering a Psychic Storm

  Geoengineering a Psychic Storm Sorry to rain on your parade Joe Allen Geoengineering is real and it’s a horrible idea. Civilian and military scientists have been attempting to control the weather for many decades. Anyone who’s just now discovering that is understandably shocked and probably disoriented. Hucksters rely on this effect. A mind that’s just been opened is easily duped. “He who controls the weather,” Lyndon B. Johnson  famously proclaimed , “will control the world!” No one remembers anything these days, though. When they do, it’s usually in the form of selectively edited quotes like this—cited as “proof” the government has long been capable of godlike weather control—which will occasionally resurface to stir a memetic storm. After two decades, I’ve yet to see convincing evidence that any cabal has full control over the weather, whether it be heat waves or hurricanes. Cloud-seeding scientists  have a hard enough time  making it rain. However, there is ample evidence that sh

American Pravda: Michael Collins Piper, Miles Mathis, and Proving Pi=4

  American Pravda: Michael Collins Piper, Miles Mathis, and Proving Pi=4  Ron Unz Audio Player Discovering the Existence of American Pravda I’ve always enjoyed solving historical puzzles and figuring out what really happened, but I’d never had the slightest interest in conspiracy theories, which I’d always dismissed as nonsense. As a consequence, I’d spent nearly my entire life never doubting nor questioning the broad sweep of our last century of world history, as had been so conveniently presented to me in all my academic courses, books, magazines, and newspapers. But in the aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks, I gradually became increasingly suspicious of the credibility of the mainstream media sources that I had always relied upon for my knowledge of the world. This first became apparent to me during the anthrax mailings that followed so soon after the terrorist attacks themselves, a wave of envelopes filled with deadly spores that so terrified our entire country and stampeded Congress in