
"The West’s cultural revolution is over"

The West’s cultural revolution is over The return of censorship, speech codes and taboos suggests society returning to normal BY Ed West Gareth Southgate [image above] is the sort of man you’d want your daughter to marry. He’s reliable, conventional, high in conscientiousness. Of the big five personality traits, conscientiousness is the one that correlates with political conservatism, and conscientious people historically vote for conservative parties. Southgate is the sort of footballer who, in team photos from the early Seventies, would have been the last one to sport a short, back and sides when everyone else was looking like Charlie George. A haircut to set your watch to, as Grampa Simpson put it. That someone like Southgate would support England players taking the knee, the gesture associated with Black Lives Matter, is telling, then, about how far social attitudes have changed in the last few decades. Although Southgate felt the need to write an e...

Cancel culture in climate change

Cancel culture in climate change by Robert Wade A microcosm on the ‘morality’ of cancel culture: the aborted conference on ‘Global Warming: Mitigation Strategies’, hosted by the Italian scientific academy the Lincei. My essay ‘What is the harm in forecasting catastrophe due to man-made global warming?’ [ link ] placed the debate about human influences on the climate in the context of a larger process of polarization common when scientific disagreements become public. As described by sociologist of science Robert K. Merton [ link ], each group then responds to  stereotyped versions  of the other: “They see in the other’s work primarily what the hostile stereotype has alerted them to see, and then promptly mistake the part for the whole. In this process, each group … becomes less and less motivated to study the work of the other, since there is manifestly little point in doing so.  They scan the out-group’s writings just enough to find ammunition for new fusillades. “ ...

"'We cannot be silenced anymore': The new group fighting for women's rights in the face of trans militancy

‘We cannot be silenced anymore’: The new group fighting for women’s rights in the face of trans militancy Chris Sweeney Chris Sweeney is an author and columnist who has written for newspapers such as The Times, Daily Express, The Sun and Daily Record, along with several international-selling magazines. Follow him on Twitter  @Writes_Sweeney 8 Sep, 2021 12:55 Get short URL © RT Chris Sweeney is an author and columnist who has written for newspapers such as The Times, Daily Express, The Sun and Daily Record, along with several international-selling magazines. Follow him on Twitter  @Writes_Sweeney Is the trans lobby too influential and intimidating? A new grassroots organisation, Sovereign Women Speak, thinks so and aims to kick-start a global movement to reclaim female rights. Members outlined its vision to RT. SWS is an important new group desperate for women’s voices...

Vaccine Failure and the Way Out

Vaccine Failure and the Way Out eugyppius The Corona vaccines don’t work very well. Ubiquitous statistics showing that the vaccinated enjoy substantial protection against serious illness and death seem wrong. In some cases they are probably manipulated. They are certainly confounded by the different testing regimes to which the vaccinated and the unvaccinated are subjected. Once you forget the specifics of efficacy and look at the broader picture, it is easy to see where we are. The vaccines have not reduced Corona mortality compared to the same time last year in any jurisdiction that I know of. Countries with high vaccination rates are now seeing the same number of deaths, or more, as they had at the beginning of September 2020. Time is a flat circle. If you peer deeper, you’ll generally find this: The vaccinated remain substantially protected against serious illness or death, but the unvaccinated are entering the hospital and dying at very high rates indeed, as if to compensate. ...

"The Powerful Case Against Covid mRNA Vaccine" by Paul Craig Roberts

  The Powerful Case Against Covid mRNA Vaccine THE FACTS: Gibraltar has had a 99% vaccination rate since June 1. The consequence has been a 2,500 percent daily increase in Covid cases. As the vaccine is useless, why the push for mandatory vaccination and Covid passports? It makes no public health sense. THE BIG PHARMA SHILLS Fauci: “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” Walensky: “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” German Health Minister: “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” Notice how the shills speak identical words on cue every day. There are two reasons for Covid infections. One is the mRNA vaccine which spreads Covid. The other is the refusal of the Western medical establishment to prevent and treat Covid with HCQ or Ivermectin. The massive outbreak of new Covid cases in t...

Dr David Martin Part 2: The sinister rise of the surveillance state

Dr David Martin Part 2: The sinister rise of the surveillance state       IN this second set of edited extracts from Mike Adams’s interview with Dr David Martin (which you can watch here ), attention turns to the ‘paradigm shift’ in Western government (from democracy to oppression), in the minds and consciousness of voting populations, and the agenda behind this change.   They conclude with Martin’s analysis of the unique nature of China’s global economic – and therefore political – power.  Mike Adams :  I want to bring your attention to Australia and New Zealand in particular, where the people, the citizens of these many nations, and this includes Canada, the United States, UK, France, Germany, Spain and so on, the citizens who once saw their government as their protectors are now coming to realise that, at least in this context, in this overreach of power right now, that their governments are acting more...