
"‘Flame purification’? I fear the burning of books in Canada is the first step towards something sinister and evil" by Frank Furedi

‘Flame purification’? I fear the burning of books in Canada is the first step towards something sinister and evil Frank Furedi is an author and social commentator. He is an emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent in Canterbury. Author of How Fear Works : The Culture of Fear in the 21st Century. Follow him on Twitter  @Furedibyte 9 Sep, 2021 13:49 Get short URL 'Fahrenheit 451' (1966) Dir: François Truffaut © Rank Film Distributors Books featuring so-called ‘outdated content’ are being burned as a goodwill gesture to Indigenous people in Ontario. This fills me with dread, as history has shown us that the torching of ideas usually has disastrous consequences. First, a confession. I get really emotional and upset when I encounter ritual book-burning. So when I read that in Canada, more than 4,700 books have been removed from the library shelves of schools and burned...

Biden to make vaccines MANDATORY for federal workers, with no option for regular testing — reports

Biden to make vaccines MANDATORY for federal workers, with no option for regular testing — reports 9 Sep, 2021 14:03 / Updated 3 hours ago Get short URL A pharmacy technician administers the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine to Mike Payne, a federal employee, at his home in St. Petersburg, Florida, July 30, 2021 © Reuters / Octavio Jones President Joe Biden has signed an executive order requiring all federal workers and contractors to be vaccinated against Covid-19, according to multiple reports. The order is one of several measures Biden is expected to announce. Biden signed the order on Thursday, hours before he was due to give a speech laying out a “six-pronged” strategy to curb the spread of the coronavirus, the Associated Press reported, citing an anonymous source. The order requires all federal workers and contractors doing business with the government to be vaccinated, with no option to undergo regular testing instead. It represents a tou...

"They Also Lied About the Swine Flu Vaccination" by Paul Craig Roberts

They Also Lied About the Swine Flu Vaccination September 8, 2021 | Categories: Guest Contributions | Tags: |   Print This Article They Also Lied About the Swine Flu Vaccination Watch this from the time when the US still had journalists.  The August 19, 2021 date is when someone posted this on the Internet, not the date of the original news program. Source: Paul Craig Roberts  

Covid and the crisis of scientific integrity

Covid and the crisis of scientific integrity Mark Pickles MANY of us in the UK who have been writing about the Covid-19 vaccines (and have declined them) have found ourselves fighting what I call ‘data wars’. Although it is necessary to engage in these wars, in this article I explain why we need an additional tactic to defeat those who are using highly selective scientific data to impose a political will and a ‘new normal’ of social control. We need to start with the obvious, for which we do not need the nitty-gritty of data, such as this tweet from the editor of  TCW   Defending Freedom: As a scientific technical writer, I am very aware that scientific data – and language, terminology, jargon and marketing copywriting – can be used to ‘prove’ almost anything. It is easy to blind people, including scientists, with science. Much scientific data today is dubious. In our times of huge proliferation of science, the majority of published studies cannot be replicated independently b...

The Madness of John Pandolfi and Michelle Gunn

The Madness of John Pandolfi and Michelle Gunn Jennifer Marohasy Next time you read that such and such a percentage of the Great Barrier Reef has already been destroyed by humankind, laugh out loud! I say that not to offend, and not because I don’t care about the corals, but because it is better to laugh than to be drawn into their madness. According to a completely mad research paper published by John Pandolfi and ten other reef researchers – each a high-profile marine biologist including Terry Hughes from the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Research – the Great Barrier Reef was pristine before the arrival of humans. According to Pandolfi  et al.  published in the prestigious journal  Science  in 2003 (entitled ‘Global Trajectories of the Long-Term Decline of Coral Reef Ecosystems’) a rather large 25 percent of the inner Great Barrier Reef was destroyed with the arrival of Australian aborigines. Except that when the Aborigines arrived...

"The Mask of your Enslavement" by Roberto Strongman

  The Mask of your Enslavement   Read Time: 26 Minutes This is a guest article by Roberto Strongman, Associate Professor in the Department of Black Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His contact information and publications can be accessed through his webpage: . Anastácia, tu que sofrestes a maldade dos senhores de Engenho e foste uma das Mártires do Cativeiro; Sede-nos benfeitora nos momentos de Aflição e de Angustia . Em Que nossos Corações sofrem as Amarguras da Má Sorte e dos rudes golpes do nosso destino. Tu que és venerada por uma legião de devotos pelos milagres que realizastes , ajuda-me neste instante de desespeiro e de afliçãoe de aperto,tirando-me desta situação desagradável por que passo . Lembra-te da tua última existência terrena e saberás sentir e reconhecer minhas desventuras…Acendendo esta Vela para ti símbolo da minha FÉ e da minha ...