
It Was Always a Con: The COVID Debacle

It Was Always a Con: The COVID Debacle Omar Khan This is the harvest of medical wisdom gained from interactions with some of the world’s leading researchers and clinicians. We are precariously on the crossroads between recurring paralysis and breaking free of the tripe we’ve been fed, we urgently need these distinctions. Globally, the one-two punch of “lockdowns needing vaccines as rescue” was a marketing ploy designed to remove our commonsense assessment paradigm, our psychological antivirus defenses, and become captive to a distorting set of assertions, built on a disempowering dead-end narrative. This is likely the initial intent, and authoritarian leaning opportunists have plied these dynamics for other ends. As Julius Ruechel writes, "This is a global, social, engineering shell game, a subscription-based business model adapted for the pharmaceutical industry." Immunity would no longer be a biological asset or gift, but a service that had to be rendered. We knew C-19 ...

“Programmable Digital Currency”: The next stage of the new normal?

“Programmable Digital Currency”: The next stage of the new normal? The war on cash’s endgame is here: money replaced by vouchers subject to complete state control.               Kit Knightly Building on the bitcoin model, central banks are planning to produce their own “digital currencies”. Removing any and all remaining privacy, granting total control over every transaction, even limiting what ordinary people are allowed to spend their money on. From the moment bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies first emerged, sold as an independent and alternative medium of exchange outside the financial status quo, it was only a matter of time before the new alternative would be absorbed, modified and redeployed in service of the state. Enter  “Central Bank Digital Currencies” : the mainstream answer to bitcoin. For those who have never heard of them, “Central Bank Digital Currencies” (CBDCs) are exactly what they sound like, digitized versions of the pound/dol...