All in Our Genes
All in Our Genes A discussion with Robert Plomin Richard Hanania I had a fascinating conversation with Robert Plomin, a behavioral geneticist at King’s College London, for the CSPI podcast. He is also the author of Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are . We discuss topics such as how we know genes are important, consumer genomics, what is happening on this front in other countries, including the UK and China, and the p factor of mental illness. In addition to the audio, there is a transcript below, lightly edited for clarity. During the interview, I realized that Plomin and I had both been blown away by the massive effect sizes we saw in the behavioral genetics literature. As I told him, I don’t believe that you can look clearly at the science and not have it fundamentally shape your views on politics, society, and ethics. And then in our intro to political psychology course, we had a few weeks on genetics out of 10 weeks we had with the quarter system at ...