the dangers of propaganda to propagandists
the dangers of propaganda to propagandists stare too long into the big lie and the big lie stares back into you el gato malo 21 we have all seen the big lie in action and the effects of its relentless repetition and of the ruthless suppression of any narrative but THE NARRATIVE.™ we have seen what it does to those at which it is aimed. but what of the liars themselves, for if the endless hearing of a tale can so ingrain it into the perceived reality of the listener, what must its interminable narration do to the storyteller? Aimee Terese @aimeeterese "We have to break through this idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families". January 20th 2022 3,067 Retweets 7,760 Likes telling is more potent persuasion than hearing. performative repetition will flat out brain wipe you. you depart from consensus reality and move to something entirely hallucinatory. it’s how you wind up sounding like melissa above and literally lose the plot to the point where ...