Mass Psychosis Formation - Ukraine, Russia, Covid

Mass Psychosis Formation - Ukraine, Russia, Covid

Feelings don't care about facts.

Chris Waldburger

Some forgotten moments in recent Russian-American relations:

When Obama became president, his Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a big red button to symbolize a great reset of the American and Russian relationship:

Mitt Romney Mocks Hillary Clinton's 'Most Embarrassing' Foreign Policy  Mistake

After Republicans like Bush and John McCain had sabre-rattled after the Georgia-Russian conflict in 2008, the Obama administration sought a new harmonious relationship.

After all, Putin had been the first foreign leader to call Bush after 9/11, had offered him access into Afghanistan via Russian bases, and had even expressed hope to join NATO - the same organization that may come to war with Russia in the coming weeks, and which had been founded to resist Soviet aggression after World War II.

The relationship chilled further after Bush invited Ukraine into NATO - which would make a territory which had been part of Greater Russia for 350 years a forward operating base for the American empire.

As part of this reset, Obama would famously be caught on a ‘hot mic’ in 2012 promising Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev (Putin was biding his time as Prime Minster for constitutional reasons) ‘more flexibility’ on the issue of accommodating Russian concerns about NATO missiles directed towards them.

When his challenger in 2012, Mitt Romney lambasted him for promising flexibility to ‘Vladimir’, Obama openly mocked Romney for his belief that Russia remained an adversary:

I hope you can see where this is leading…

Because by the time Trump became president a remarkable pivot had occurred in the official narrative.

Putin suddenly became a Hitler-esque grand puppet-master, who had somehow brainwashed American voters in Wisconsin to vote Trump. Serious journalists and publications declared that Trump was a Russian asset.

Time Magazine Cover Shows Trump's White House Transforming Into the Kremlin

Government commissions were set up to assess Russian involvement in US elections. It was considered an absolute certainty that Russia had meddled.

It is no exaggeration to say that Trump’s presidency was hamstrung from the beginning by the Russian hoax. His national security adviser was fired - his most prominent supporter, an elite general. From there, he had to placate Republican senators obsessed with Putin as a threat to their grand strategy to spread liberalism throughout the world.

But when the whole thing was found to be an utter fabrication, no media apologies were heard. No reckoning came. The media had bought fake intelligence paid for by Hilary Clinton. The whole thing was an utter joke.

Democrat leaders kept promising that crushing evidence on Trump’s treasonous behaviour would soon be revealed. But when the report by a former FBI director came out, there was nothing. Just innuendo and some process crimes by people entrapped into lies by FBI agents.

It was left to ultra-liberal comedian Russell Brand to point out the absurdity of it all:

Of course, when Trump questioned the last election, we were then told that questioning American democracy was absurd and fascist…

It is time for us all to grow up.

There are no adults in a room somewhere who know what is going and see things clearly.

Everything is narrative.

Obama fans went from mocking Russian scepticism, to portraying Putin as Hitler.

We saw the same with covid.

Travel bans were racist and pointless. And then they were vital and necessary - even after covid had spread everywhere making them definitely pointless.

The lab leak theory was a crazed conspiracy theory, and then it wasn’t. (But you are still not allowed to be suspicious of US funding of coronavirus experiments in a lab in a city that became the epicentre of covid.)

Masks were useless, and then not wearing one became murder.

Vaccines were 100% effective at stopping spread, and then we had more covid in vaccinated than unvaccinated. Israel recently reported more covid infections in a week than over the entirety of 2020 - prior to vaccination. What kind of vaccine does that?

But the mandates and the push for them remain - because the story of the rational vaccinators versus the idiot science-deniers is more powerful than facts.

Some have named this phenomenon Mass Formation Psychosis. Others call it Groupthink, or the Madness of Crowds.

Call it whatever you want, it is undeniable that we are all prone to holding to truths which just are not truths.

We can firmly believe one thing one year, and brook no questioning of the belief, then believe its opposite the next year, without the slightest introspection.

Another example - Obama was opposed to gay marriage right up to 2012 - yet soon after, if you found yourself still holding to the original Obama position, you would basically be cast as an irredeemable bigot.

We are tribal before we are rational. This can be used for good. Human relationships are often more important than abstract truths.

But it can be deadly. Tribal loyalties superseding truth totally can lead to destruction, because ignored reality always bites back.

Like mass psychosis spun covid from a serious illness into a global reset of basic freedoms, its Russian version now threatens nuclear war, which would affect us all.

The New York Times is reporting that Biden is considering sending troops to defend Ukraine from apparent Russian aggression. Masses of weaponry have already been shipped to Ukraine by both Britain and the US.

But this is what we are not being told:

Ukraine is currently led by a man famous for playing the Ukrainian president on TV before he really became the president. Ukraine’s previous elected regime, friendly to Russia was toppled in a coup funded by the west, and the current regime openly allows neo-Nazi marches through the capital, Kiev.

It is a corrupt, depressing wasteland. And has only been independent from Russia for a tiny fraction of its existence. In fact, Kiev is considered the birthplace of the Russian people, and has almost a sacred place in Russian history - as anybody who has read Russian literature would know. Before the end of the USSR, Ukraine had been united to Russia for 350 years.

Putin’s requests concerning Ukraine are not unreasonable at all. He has published them in writing. Ukraine, and other former Russian satellites, as important border states for Russia, must not join a military alliance dominated by the US, and must not be home to NATO weaponry.

And even if he invaded Ukraine with no justification, there is really nothing the US can do about it. Why should they solve every world problem? Where was the call to stop Mugabe’s Zimbabwean ethnic cleansing, or Chinese concentration camps? Both regimes have enjoyed US support.

I cannot understand why the US would risk war in order to arm Ukraine.

This is the equivalent of Putin proposing that Canada or Mexico join a Russian/Chinese military alliance, and he be allowed to set up military bases there with missiles pointed at Washington DC.

And for what? Why would the US want a country like Ukraine to be given American guarantees of defence against a neighbouring nuclear power which has pretty much always ruled the territory and of which a vast portion is Russian-speaking.

Perhaps the answer is hidden in a recent document issued by the US State Department warning of Russian disinformation. According to the US, Russia falsely suggests that Western civilization is collapsing:

Russia pushes the false claim that Western civilization is collapsing and has strayed from “traditional values” because it works to ensure the safety and equality of LGBTQI+ people and promotes concepts such as female equality and multiculturalism. The demise of Western civilization is one of Russia’s oldest disinformation tropes, with claims of “the decaying west” documented since the 19th century.

This “values”-based disinformation narrative evokes ill-defined concepts including “tradition,” “family values,” and “spirituality.” Russia argues it is the bastion of so-called “traditional values” and gender roles and serves as a moral counterweight to the “decadence” of the United States and Western countries.  For example, President Putin has claimed the West has practically cancelled the concepts of “mother” and “father,” and instead has replaced them with “parent 1 and 2,” while Foreign Minister Lavrov wrote that Western students “learn at school that Jesus Christ was bisexual.”

Do these sound like myths to you?

Of course Putin is absolutely correct to bemoan American Liberal Tyranny when it comes to traditional Christianity.

Is that why the Americans hate him so much?

It honestly could well be.

I do not believe Russia and Putin to be great heroic figures. I have never been there. It has always seemed cold and forbidding to me.

But it is simply a fact that Putin has been an effective leader. After Bill Clinton and the West encouraged the alcoholic Boris Yeltsin to allow his country to be pillaged by gangsters ‘privatizing’ Soviet assets, (even as he bombed his own Parliament - after which Bill Clinton blamed the non-violent opposition) Russian mortality, unemployment, and inflation skyrocketed.

Under Putin, unemployment went down from around fifteen per cent to less than five. Life expectancy has increased by eight years. The suicide rate decreased three-fold. The inflation rate has gone from 80 per cent to around four.

For the West, this is not meant to happen. Progress is only meant to happen under radical liberalism in which ‘democracy’ is pre-eminent, and sexual rights trump everything. Liberalism after the end of the Cold War was meant to go global. Chinese markets were going to liberalize Communism, and capitalist shock therapy was going to make Russia European.

I do not see Putin as a great man or as a model Christian leader. He just seems that way to an atheistic West in which the new state religion is some bizarre celebration of everything that is not white and Christian. He is merely a pragmatist who is comfortable with his country’s heritage.

But the fact remains that the West constantly criticizes Russia for things like not allowing homosexuality to be promoted in the media, or for arresting a musical outfit called ‘Pussy Riot’ for profaning a Moscow cathedral. Note they leave Saudi Arabia alone with far more draconian laws.

What other possible motive do they have in risking nuclear war with Russia, over a random country right on the Russian border?

(To prove this point, the German naval chief was recently fired for suggesting, amongst other things, that ‘Christian Russia’ should be brought in as an ally against a rising Communist China, instead of the West pushing Russia closer to the Chinese.)

It can only be some kind of demented mass psychosis based firstly on a Trump-as-Hitler mythology with Putin-as-Lucifer.

But as Putin points out, Russia is not the country interfering in the American sphere of influence, nor is it seeking to drape the world in rainbow flags and George Floyd murals.

And here we have the threat of devastating war breaking out in Eastern Europe - once again - only this time with both sides armed with nuclear bombs which could literally send humanity to extinction.

And for what?

Because the US loves the Ukrainian so much they want them in NATO? Because a strip of Ukrainian land, swapping its current neo-Nazi overlords for Putin is a tragedy not worth contemplating?

Like covid, like lockdowns, the answer can only be mass formation psychosis.

How can we break these malignant spells?

I believe the solution is for people to stop worrying about global problems so much, to stop caring so much about humanity as a whole, about building some utopian world.

Human beings are finite and local by nature. Jesus Christ did not say love humanity. He said to love your neighbour.

We need to stop buying into globalist, liberal activism and be real people again.

In your own world, how much of a problem is covid really? Does Putin affect you at all?

The honest answers are no.

Yes, we are enmeshed together in a global world via media and technology, but we cannot pretend that makes us a global village. There is no such thing. And people who try to bring utopia to the world and some kind of human-engineered perfection only ever end up achieving one thing: destruction.


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