real james bond villains wear cardigans
real james bond villains wear cardigans bill gates, the WEF, and the WHO are not done with us. it's time we were done with them. el gato malo in history as in literature, a special place of contempt is held for the grand vizier, the guy behind the throne, the power behind the power. it’s a position of great influence but zero accountability, especially if you can subvert the ruler you puppet past the point of being able to scapegoat you. buying or leading a politician and getting goodies is a process as old as politics, probably older as it was likely the reason the first politician was elected in the first place… but the truly discerning james bond villain level vizier, well, they just go right ahead and buy their own NGO’s. that’s how you take over the world. space lasers and earthquake machines may be cool, but real conquest usually banal. get to about the 1 minute mark in this video where you can hear bill speak about talking to donald trump in the white house. trump ask...