
The Biological Weapons Convention does not prohibit biological weapons.

The Biological Weapons Convention does not prohibit biological weapons. An overlooked loophole allows development, manufacture and stockpiling for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes Robert W Malone MD, MS Deborah G. Rosenbaum , the US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological defense programs (ASD(NCB)), testified to the House subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations on April 1, 2022, that “ I can say to you unequivocally there are no offensive biologic weapons in the Ukraine laboratories that the United States has been involved with .”  With this testimony, the US Department of Defense has made a clear statement that there were no  OFFENSIVE  biological weapons that the US was involved with.   Did you catch that slight-of-hand? No  offensive  biological weapons.  Why would the US admit to such a thing?  Wouldn’t that set off alarm bells in the international community?  The answer is...

Cancelling Culture

Cancelling Culture They make a desert and call it peace Frank Wright Robbers of the world, now that the earth is insufficient for their all-devastating hands they probe even the sea; if their enemy is rich, they are greedy; if he is poor, they thirst for dominion; neither east nor west has satisfied them; alone of mankind they are equally covetous of poverty and wealth. Robbery, slaughter and plunder they falsely name empire; they make a desert and call it peace Tacitus, Agricola  30.4 Well, what empire? At the moment people with houses full of Chinese trash are shrieking about an evil abroad. They have been silent to many evils nearby, as the custom with this kind of fast food-for-thought is to count your care miles. The further away some horrible news - the closer it is to home. Why do so many people have such strong feelings for the abstract and yet so little response to the concrete? What makes  there  so much more compelling than  here ? The scale of outrage we ...