Russia’s Great Reset: Facing Reality
Russia’s Great Reset: Facing Reality A response to the “Russian technocracy is good technocracy” argument Riley Waggaman A reader recently alerted me to an intriguing article published by Thomas Röper, the curator of Anti-Spiegel. In it, Röper argues that Ernst Wolff—an authoritative voice on Great Reset shenanigans—is wrong to list Russia as an active participant in the COVID-triggered New Normal. I would like to offer a different perspective on this subject, particularly because many of the arguments put forward by Röper have become commonplace on Twitter, Telegram, and podcasts that nobody listens to. To Röper’s credit, he took the time to actually write down his thoughts. Röper and I have exchanged “blog critiques” in the past; in December, he critiqued an article I wrote pointing to links between Davos and the financiers and developers behind Sputnik V. I then critiqued his critique. Blogging is very exciting. I want to stress that this article is not meant ...