
The Story of the Century Just Broke (And No One Noticed)

The Story of the Century Just Broke (And No One Noticed) The Corbett Report by James Corbett If you're a good, credulous consumer of the lamestream media, you likely take it as a given that Russian hackers present the greatest danger to the human species in the history of our planet. Or is that Chinese hackers? Or maybe North Koreans? Meh, whatever. Details, shmetails! The point is that the threat posed by these shadowy cyber warriors ( whoever  they may be) is so great that no amount of foaming-at-the-mouth, hyperbolic, end-of-days catastrophism from the TV talking heads and Twittering blue checkmarks and think tanking deep staters is too much. Yes, the Chinese  are   infiltrating our corporations' computer systems  in order to steal all of our industrial secrets! How else could you possibly explain the fact that the fearsome Chinese military boasts so much  refurbished American technology ? And yes, the Russkies  are   hacking into the power grid . H...

Markets Are Expecting the Federal Reserve to Save Them – It’s Not Going to Happen

Markets Are Expecting the Federal Reserve to Save Them – It’s Not Going to Happen October 5, 2022 From  Brandon Smith I have said it many times in the past but I’ll say it here again: Stock markets are a  trailing  indicator of economic health, not a  leading  indicator. Rising stock prices are  not  a signal of future economic stability. When stocks fall, it’s usually after  years of declines  in other sectors of the financial system. Collapsing stocks are not the “cause” of an economic crisis, they are just the  delayed symptom  of a crisis that was already there. Anyone who started investing after the crash of 2008 probably has no understanding of how markets are  supposed  to behave, and what they represent to the rest of the economy. They’ve never seen markets operating without interference and stock prices moving freely. Central bank meddling, which started as a “last ditch effort” to save the global financial system...