Lucy In The Field With Charlie
One more look at voting and governance... Lucy In The Field With Charlie Ritualistic psychosocial torture posing as election ̶d̶a̶y̶,̶ ̶w̶e̶e̶k̶, month, is here again. Good Citizen Two reasons I don’t vote: first of all, it’s meaningless. This country was bought and sold and paid for a long time ago. The shit they shuffle around every four years doesn’t mean a fuckin’ thing. And secondly, I don’t vote ’cause I believe if you vote, you have no right to complain. — George Carlin (1996) Few ever want to admit the systems all around them want them enslaved. How can they ever liberate themselves if they don’t acknowledge their chains? That’s the first way Globopsycho keeps those chains firmly latched to the masses — denial. The second way is hopium. The topic of elections and performative theatre of party politics are generally avoided around here like genetic poisonous injections posing as medicine, but today an exception will be made. It’s that season again. Polls and pols. Trolls and sla...