Lucy In The Field With Charlie

One more look at voting and governance...

Lucy In The Field With Charlie

Ritualistic psychosocial torture posing as election ̶d̶a̶y̶,̶ ̶w̶e̶e̶k̶, month, is here again.

Two reasons I don’t vote: first of all, it’s meaningless. This country was bought and sold and paid for a long time ago. The shit they shuffle around every four years doesn’t mean a fuckin’ thing. And secondly, I don’t vote ’cause I believe if you vote, you have no right to complain.

— George Carlin (1996)

Few ever want to admit the systems all around them want them enslaved.

How can they ever liberate themselves if they don’t acknowledge their chains?

That’s the first way Globopsycho keeps those chains firmly latched to the masses — denial.

The second way is hopium.

The topic of elections and performative theatre of party politics are generally avoided around here like genetic poisonous injections posing as medicine, but today an exception will be made.

It’s that season again. Polls and pols. Trolls and slaves. Hope and gossip. Midnight ballot dumps and verticle blue lines that say, “Yeah, we’re cheating, what the hell are you gonna do about it?”

Did I say blind hope?

“I donated to so-and-so’s campaign! He’s going to save us!”

All the enslaved minds vet candidate reliability based on words. Speculating if this or that candidate will betray them if they take the time to mark a piece of paper or computer with their name on it. A piece of paper with a vote that could never be thrown out later by regime party apparatchiks or deleted from a computer database.

Voting in non-democracies posing as such is always a kind of masochistic ritual adored by Stockholm Syndrome sufferers and the army of normies who love their chains.

When people feel powerless, Globopsycho permits “democracy” and the distractive spectacle of elections as a temporary calamine lotion to feel less powerless. Scratch that itch in the voting booth, and you’ll feel better about things.

Some are in it for the pageantry and theatre, others for the tribal camaraderie and blindfolded adherence to party orthodoxies.

A large percentage will never give up believing the one thing that Globopsycho needs as many people to believe as possible, that this time things will be different.

There are some populist parties in Europe and some R’s in the U.S. who say some nice things from time to time, but latching onto them just because they aren’t entirely psychotic-sounding or demonic-looking is often a fool’s errand.

Last week Tusli Gabbard launched her Substack by proclaiming she was finally leaving the Demonic party. Even after hanging with them (no pun intended) for the past six years as they orchestrated an internal coup against the orange man by colluding with the CIA and FBI, ran non-stop Russia hysteria headlines to drum up psychological support for an endless proxy war in Russia’s backyard that had to be put on hold for four years while coordinating a global coup called “Covid-19” which was the greatest psyop and transfer wealth to the top 1% in history. Yet, she still endorsed Paedo Hitler in 2020 and went on a celebratory tour this past week of her “bravery” for finally leaving that party while instantly changing jerseys to campaign for the other half of the Uniparty.

I found the performative political spectacle all so hilariously amusing I suckered up and paid the $5 fee so I could ask a simple question that none of her sycophantic paid subscribers would ever bother to ask. (The first sign a Substacker is not very sincere or secure in what they write? Only paid subscribers are allowed to comment on free posts.)

Instead of actually addressing the issue in a Substack post, she simply brushed it aside as, “No biggie, nothing to see here. They put my picture up on their website without asking or informing me and I never complained about it or bothered to sue them.”

But there are always receipts. Her 2015 tweet celebrating her selection by the World Technocracy Front (WTF) as a Young Global Leader is still up on her account. Either Tulsi 2015 or Tusli 2022 is not telling the truth. “I’m honored…to have WTF use my photo without asking or informing me.”

A simple 200-word post that said something like the following would have gone a long way, but she couldn’t even manage this:

In 2015 the World Technocracy Front (WTF) selected me as a Young Global Leader. At the time I was still naive about its purpose and goals. I didn’t know the agenda of its founder Klaus Schwab, or what its intentions for a private-public partnership with “Sustainability Goals” really were. Now it’s clear that the Great Reset and Great Narrative agendas are anti-democratic, anti-liberty, and anti-humanity. No unelected body with so much connected wealth and power should determine the course of future events. Make no mistake, I now see this as global communism and social engineering and I completely reject their agenda and will only support political candidates in the future who do as well.

That took about 15 seconds to think up, and 45 seconds to type. She didn’t have that much time to spare because she was too busy celebrating her podcast roaring to number one on the podcast charts following her big departure from the demonic party, the same demonic party that was plenty demonic all those years she was a member.

She made another appearance on Joe Rogan’s thing and if you really try your best to sit through the first twenty minutes you will be challenged to find a single intelligent observation about our world today, from either celebrity. (I was able to clean my floors during these twenty minutes so it wasn’t completely wasted.)

The red team lapped up her performance and immediately started gossiping about a Trump-Gabbard or DeSantis-Gabbard ticket in 2024. That’s Trump of Operation Warp Speed Vaxocaust fame who still hasn’t renounced them. The same guy who in September 2019 wrote an executive order on expediting manufacturing of Flu vaccines paving the way for the plandemic horrors to unfold. The same guy who signed the five trillion dollar inflation-inducing CARES ACT with hospicide protocols to incentivize “Covid” deaths and stood next to Fauci and Frau Fancy Scarf for 70 days performing for the press with his usual orange flair.

Everything is and always must be about him, and he will never, ever be capable of admitting error which is the worst attribute any leader could possess aside from habitual sharting in diapers and dementia.

His presence is an endless gift to Glopypsycho because every Wrestling Federation needs a good heel and worthy hero to orchestrate events for them.

Democrats and their corporate media lackeys get to keep him in the headlines as a heel to run against since they have nothing to run on while riling up the NPCs still wearing their pussy hats.

Republicans get to push money to anti-Trump candidates to show how little they care about democracy or the tens of millions of Republicans who still support him and get to scream “RHINO!” at the top of their lungs.

Insert the little surfer girl in uniform and the spectacle becomes even more distracting.

For the faithful Trump supporters still around here who can’t see what’s going on, Gabbard didn’t even vote against the Sovietesque articles to impeach him. She voted “present”.

And voila, now she wears a MAGA red jersey.

The “B” team?

Yesterday Florida Governor Ron Desantis held a press conference to proclaim to the nation ahead of his 2024 Presidential run that he would not allow any Florida schools to mandate clot shots for children.

The “Medical Freedom Movement”, applauded his speech with hysterical joy as if they were just handed the keys to a crappy new car by Oprah Winfrey. Their ears perhaps shut out the part where he said, “If you want your children to get the Covid shots you can still go and do that.”

Governor DeSantis in an alternative universe with a constitutional republic:

The data are definitive now, these shots don’t work at all, in fact, they’re very dangerous and completely pointless for all ages. The CDC is thoroughly captured by Big Pharma agents and cannot be trusted at all. From now on, all Florida medical guidance will be taken from a state board of physicians who can show no financial conflicts of interest with any pharmaceutical companies at any point in their past. We will be opening a case against Pfizer, Moderna, the CDC, and FDA, and specific individuals for fraud, following the evidence and case materials provided by Dr. Francis Boyle and Dr. David Martin with charges to include intentional negligence to commit bodily harm, and mass homicide with the final aim that these companies and the federal government provide compensation for Florida sufferers of Covid Vaccine side effects and the families of victims who have died. Florida’s Surgeon General and I are ordering the immediate halt of all Covid mRNA vaccines indefinitely.

A BAMF Governor DeSantis in an alternative universe with a constitutional republic would have added:

We have prepared a gallows for Fauci, Daszak, Baric, Gates, Bourla, Bancel, Walensky, and a dozen other individuals. Should they dare have the temerity to set foot on Florida soil, their necks will meet with rope at the earliest opportunity. Trials will be conducted post-mortem where defendants will be allowed to testify as to the safety and efficacy of the ropes in the same condition as their vaccine victims who are no longer with us.

Sounds like a dream, right?

Yet it would have been impossible because the DeSantis 2024 Super PAC is counting on a nice fat check from ALL the pharmaceutical companies in the coming year.

If “not-so-bad” is still fine with voters because it allows children in Florida to attend school without having to first be injected with a deadly DNA-altering poison, unlike children in dozens of other states, but Flordia still allows parents to choose to take their children to be injected with a deadly DNA-altering poison, what more evidence is needed of a captured slave mentality?

If people don’t expect standards of basic human decency and justice, and the masses are willing to settle for “hey, he’s not as bad”, they’ve already lost.

But get on over to that voting both dear Americans and see what happens.

You never know, luck might be on your side and things might really change for the better this time.

When you wake up from your dream to realize it was just that, know this: civilizations need to hit bottom before anything will change.

It seems we’re not quite there yet. Usually, civilizations draw the line at child grooming, child castration, and child medical sacrifice with unnecessary injections, but not this civilization.

And as long as they control all major information outlets and online platforms to brainwash the masses and keep them trapped in their Stockholm Syndrome cages, there will be no change.

Want to make a difference?

Take care of things in your life first.

If you can’t be bothered with the little things then don’t pretend to care about change.

  1. Ditch the smartphone with “apps”. There’s nothing smart about the devices they’ve prepared for enslaving humanity.

  2. At the very least switch to an encrypted Freedom Phone or de-googled phone. Stop using their digital prison technologies.

  3. Ditch anything with the word “smart”. It’s all part of a digital gulag designed to monitor you and enslave you through frictionless convenience ie “Save a second to lose a lifetime of liberty.” Anything that connects to your home Internet will be used against you always and controlled by the state. Buy used washing machines, dishwashers, cars, and everything that is off their “grid”, with no network capabilities, so they cannot know or control how you live.

  4. Vote with your wallet. Reject all tech monopolies that work with the police state to monitor you at all times and censor information and ban users. If everyone quit Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube overnight and only shopped on Amazon when they had to, the world would be a completely different place already. If a popular platform knew that selling out to Amazon or Facebook would mean the death of the platform these tech monopolies would instantly lose power that the state has proven unwilling to check with existing anti-trust laws.

  5. Stop buying any Big Pharma-owned drugs, or subsidiary products. That includes Johnson and Johnson. Ask for generic brands of prescription drugs whenever possible.

  6. Did your HMO or medical insurer force their employees to get the clot shots to keep their jobs? Why are you still with them?

  7. Stop banking with big banks that were bailed out with your tax dollars for their own stupidity and greed. It still amazes me how many tens of millions refused to walk away from Chase and Bank of America in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. How many protestors at occupy wall street in 2011 had BofA debit cards in their wallets while chanting performative slogans? They wanted to upend a corrupt system, yet couldn’t even be bothered to change banks. Now the big banks are canceling people for their political views and still, no major bankrupting boycotts. This includes PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, and even Visa and Mastercard. Use cash wherever possible and put your money in a local credit union or regional bank that isn’t owned by a private equity behemoth. If everyone did this instead of voting for an NPC Uniparty candidate lying through both sides of their mouth, the country would change overnight.

  8. Reject companies with ties to ESG, CRT, CIA, FBI, NSA, GCHQ, or venture companies that already partner with these odious concepts and nefarious actors. That includes Rumble’s financier Peter Thiel who claims to be a “libertarian” while founding CIA and Pentagon (intel community) dataveillance company Palantir and being the first investor in DARPA’s lifelog, renamed Facebook.

  9. Opt out of all their diseased systems. Trust nobody who works within them, especially death management or “medicine”. Independence and self-sufficiency is the only path to survival. Do not wait until you need something vital like baby formula or prescription medication, 80% of which, for Americans come from China who can turn off the spigot at any moment and probably will after they invade Taiwan soon. Supply chains are already collapsing. Assume it’ll be out of stock tomorrow because it probably will be.

  10. If you don’t own some gold and silver that can be in hand at a moment’s notice you won’t be prepared for the coming dollar collapse and all the social chaos and riots which no politician will be able to save you from.

  11. The same goes for long-term emergency food for their coming food shortages.

  12. Fertilizer and crop shortages with Diesel fuel shortages are going to bring a world of economic pain to the west in 2023. Not a single political candidate is even talking about this (or the deadly clot shots) because it won’t affect them. You are on your own.

All of the above have one common theme: Fix yourself first, and prepare accordingly for what most people never expect will happen.

Politicians don’t give a damn about you, your children, your friends, your country, and your future. And as long as they are owned by corporations, they never will.

They care more about Big Pharma profits and engineering World War Three in Ukraine than they ever will about your well-being.

Both parties “Uniparty” are onboard with this madness.

If you can’t defeat your own demons and find balance and control to thrive in your own life how are you going to contribute to fighting humanity’s demons?

If you can’t be bothered to starve their systems of your money, time, and attention, how can you expect politicians who are owned and controlled by these systems to help you?

If each of us took care of business in our lives and focused on all the things within our control we would all collectively be contributing to strengthening the forces of resistance against those who are against humanity.

If voting makes you feel good, as if you might be contributing to meaningful change, go right ahead.

But don’t act disappointed if there’s no football there again when you go to kick it.

Globopsycho is still holding it.


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