Danger-zone Psychopathy
Danger-zone Psychopathy Lobaczewski and Chris Langan on intelligent psychopaths Harrison Koehli Gary Cole as “Bill Lumbergh” in Office Space (1999). If you could go ahead and read this article, that’d be great. Oh, and I’m also gonna need you to subscribe, kay. Are psychopaths smart? Contrary to the impression some may have of the psychopath as evil genius, the reality is not so romantic. According to Lobaczewski, they are less intelligent on average, and you won’t find many, if any, super geniuses among their ranks. Of course, that’s not to say that there aren’t smart psychopaths. Their bell curve is just shifted down a bit to the left (if Lobaczewski is correct). Which means you’re probably just as likely to encounter a relatively smart psychopath as you are a slightly-more-than-relatively smart normal person. Here’s how he put it: The average intelligence of essential psychopaths, especially if measured via commonly used tests, is somewhat lower than tha...